You dont have much longer

You dont have much longer.

Accumulate. Now.

Attached: Ripple-XRP.jpg (696x449, 45K)

Other urls found in this thread:

shut. the. fuck. up.

>those trips

$4.44 end of week??? Do I buy?

always bet on the bankers

Nah but 66 cents by the end of June easy.

Nice just bought 100k DB shares

XRP is going to hit the “Golden Cross” and go up parabolic and hit $100

not even a crypto

>Total supply: 99,991,617,212

kek, my friend went all in on XRP and has been depressed this whole 2 months waiting for the moon

Does that mean it has destroyed 8 million already?

I went 50/50 BTC and xrp.... something is coming and it's not a 4.5 million dollar meal

$589 by EOY 2018, for sure this time!

XRP the newfag coin

As soon as the media mentions it again dump it in a day

I wish I bought more when I was a newfag. If I threw all of my money at it instead of just a piece and the rest on ICN and Bitcoin I'd be rich. I realize now that all the shilling against XRP is people hoping to buy more for cheaper. But it has such a high market cap now that talking about it on Jow Forums wont change anything.

>hoping to buy cheaper

that has never been a problem, it always dumps, like clockwork, why would worry?

Most fun part is this:

XRP pumps to 4$ its first on scoinmarketcap

But on site like yahoo finance and bloombergcrypto it only needs to be about 1.40$ to kick buttcoins ass

Imagine the autistic screeching if that happens.
If there is a god please do it :D
So i can watch the meth and butt heads jumping from roofs

I hope so.
Honestly I think it has a really good chance of being #1. It can literally send thousands of transactions at once. It's one of the only projects in crypto that matters.

nice numeros dude-o, but ive been hearing this same thing for at least 18 months. tell me why this is the time please

If you can't figure out how to hold a nuanced opinion on both BTC and XRP, with them both succeeding in the long term, you should probably leave crypto. It's not for you.

>“I’m not prepared to say that Bitcoin will go to zero, I still own Bitcoin,” -Garlicbread himself

Spot on.

Not sure why people are so emotional about their fucking faggot coins. We're all here to make money, and the more coins that succeed, whether tech or gains, is a plus for all of us.

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meh, sold all mine @44 cents, its the coin the most shit is talked about, 'big trade deals with banks, may be testing with HSBC' blah blah bla, Its bankers money, and we all know its gonna be regulated to fuck, lol, expecting moon missions...

Attached: checkd.png (790x800, 1.05M)

I don't know about you, but I don't give a flying fuck about tech fundamentals or markets. I'm here to build a fucking future and take what is obvious. This entire bear market has be pulling away the tides, and we all see who is naked right now.