Alright Jow Forums, 90% of my net worth is in Link. That's it, i dont own a house or anything else. I'm 24 years old...

Alright Jow Forums, 90% of my net worth is in Link. That's it, i dont own a house or anything else. I'm 24 years old. Am I a 30yr old boomer or am I a zoomer? What is the cut off for q zoomer?

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That 90%of your net worth will soon be 10% of it

build something with it.

Boomer in spirit (wannabe boomer)

>Am I a 30yr old boomer or am I a zoomer? What is the cut off for q zoomer?
If you're 30 you're a boomer hth

Bought at 21 cents still up over 400%

What's the cut off for a boomer vs a zoomer

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29 year old on the edge of boomerville here. At 24 you are well into boomer territory, then you hit 25 and it seems like a big deal then 26, 27 and 28 are just meme years, then 29 the existential dread of entering 30 year old boomerhood kicks in.

You are further along this path to boomerhood than a zoomer. 23 and younger is still blissful naive youth.

What should I buy

Go 50% in ONE for a week and you double your Link.

My plan anyway

>muh initial

That's why you guys will never make it, you care about muh self steem about not losing your initial rather than actually realizing your money evaporated in the last 5 days


How many did you get at 21 cents?

50k link

That's a good number.

But if I was 23 I'd be a zoomer? I feel torn between zoomer and boomer.

It's a long term hold you boomer

I think at 24 he's still an older zoomer

>t. 33yr old boomer

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Tfw when I'm literally both

How did you come up with $11k at your age?

Bought LTC and XRP in summer of 2017, then dumped those shitcoins and went all in on link

Attached: crypto-traders.jpg (501x737, 53K)

you'll dca all the way down to 10c too.

What is DCA?