How regulated is crypto?

All free markets need some regulation to operate optimally. How regulated is crypto?

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Free markets free minds cunt

fuck off closet regulator

crypto doesnt actually need regulation
free market eith regulation are also an oxymoron

>How regulated is crypto?
REAL Crypto is regulated by CFTC.
Fake 'Crypto' aka ICOs are regulated by the SEC

& Yea the US is the de facto ruler of the world via the USD. If you use USD in your contracts you are allowing the US into the contract as a third party as they have an 'interest' in the contract cause you are using their money!

no, no they don't need regulation.
the market will regulate itself.
what happens if you allow "regulation" is that only a few at the top can then manipulate the market. in a non regulated market, anyone can manipulate the market. That's much more fair.

once again op is a fucking idiot.

all statists must perish in flames.

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It's going to be heavily regulated globally very soon

>it's fair to allow monopolies to run all markets

Regulated free markets are objectively better.

Ok perhaps the question should be: How much money laundering and funds for pedophilia, human trafficking, monopolies et al does crypto allow?

In comparison to traditional regulated free markets.

Free market and regulated market are literally antonyms

>all free markets require some regulation

Except that's wrong you fucking retard.

>free market
>noun [ C ] US /ˈfri ˈmɑr·kJt/

>social studies an economic system with only a small amount of government control, in which prices and earnings are decided by the level of demand for, and production of, goods and services:

>a free-market economy

Attached: freemarket-definition.png (865x450, 30K)

>Regulated free markets

yeah, you're not very familiar with the topic of monopolies, are you?

No it's not, idiot. Even crypto as of now has some regulation. The exchanges regulate the amount you can buy, how much you can cash out. Plus this

You don't know what a monopoly is. It's 100% control of a market. Govs don't have that. They step in when a monopoly forms tho. It's not perfect, but you don't need to be so paranoid about it.

Markets need to be regulated to keep your greedy asses in check.

Fuck off commie.

Don't you just love commies and their appreciation for total regulation? Commies think their markets are the definition of a free market.

Reminds me of how good capitalism is.

Let's be honest, coinbase has always been shitty and scams people right left and center. It's about time they get their asses regulated properly.

you're a fucking retard and talking out of your ass.

pic related, idiot

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Government CREATES monopolies.

Another idiotic idealist.... people create monopolies.