Auscucks report in!

auscucks report in!

what are you bois doing to hedge against the AUD going to shit?

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Why is a refugee loving cuckold guilty of importing the third world to my nation by plane plastered over my nations flag in this image?

silver fag

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BTC, BSV, DGX & Silver bullion

fuck knows man. i chuck most into a managed fund and some other cunt deals with it. The rest I spend on speccies in the hope that one of them moons.

Oh and to answer your question, Chainlink.

My grandparents are going heavily into gold right now though. Is that a good idea. They say it's been going up a lot, even past it's old ATH.

Shorting it against the €uro & the ¥en, then putting those gains into LINK

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Leaving my 2.5btc worth of USD in the US waiting for the dollar to drop before I bring it back home

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The AUD might not go down any more. 2/4 of the big banks are forecasting it will rise.

Lads what's the estimate of where the AUD is going? Are we returning to the Howard years where the AUD was sub .50 cents USD.

Gold and silver. Silver is extremely undervalued right now so is the most likely to give you a strong pump when shit hits the fan.

I recently bought land (4.8ha) in New Zealand (Otago) and i'm building a self sustained hobby farm. It'll all be built by the end of 2020 and i'm shredding my Aus passport when i leave.

This country is an absolute shit hole and it's only a matter of time until the Chinese government stops being subtle and actively gets into our political system to flex on the US tensions at the moment. They literally fund hacking groups in mainland China that hack Australian companies and parliament and don't even attempt to deny it. Also, our economies 3rd largest export year on year is fucking education to foreigners. There is literally 700,000 international students in Australia at any given time.

Meanwhile our politicians are all reaching retirement age and taking their last few opportunities to gut the countries savings (see the $80m Cayman scandal) and then fuck off out of the cities, if not overseas.

If you live in Sydney, Melbourne or Brisbane and you have legitimate financial goals of living in Australia beyond 2025, unironically KYS. The only reasons worth living in this country are the beaches (overcrowded, polluted, beach culture sucks cock now; go to Bondi on a weekend), the schools (I live towards the CBD of Sydney and a local selective academic/semi-private school is 84% Chinese students) and the well funded public healthcare system (most young people have never had to visit a hospital for anything beyond a broken arm. half my mates are surgeons and the hospitals are fucking overflowing with immigrants on waiting lists for procedures they can't afford back home. In some cases it's cheaper for them to set up a company in Australia and sponsor their kids to come out here just so their parents can come as dependent on the visa and get a cheap surgery). If you are a cuck and think this is a normal flow on of globalisation and our expanding Australian economy, again, KYS.

Hedged and comfy in my Resistance presale allocation.

Binance IEO confirmed.

Some sources.

China hacking Parliament:

China hacking companies for their IP:

Education as an export:


Fun fact, China has a mainland policy called 'Made in China 2025'. Short version: they're trying to become global leaders in manufacturing high end goods, such as aviation parts and robotics. Problem is, they don't have the intellectual property themselves, hence the cyber espionage.


Keep in mind that China is toe to toe with the USA and the USA is our strongest military ally, yet China is geographically closer to us, we are their literal food bowl for the future and our biggest global export partner. Literally 30% of our exports go to China. They're going to gut out country over the next decade.


>the Chinese government stops being subtle and actively gets into our political system to flex on the US tensions at the moment.

When is America going to stop putting out with our fucking bullshit and cut of loose? We are buddy buddy with chinese for ages now while pretending to be America's best friend, now Trump has the trade war going and were still friends with China. Honestly, Trump shoul anull the ANZUS treaty and leave us for dead. If it wasn't for the few important military spying bases and five eyes intelligence, I think they'd have done it already. I wonder how much more push they'd need.

We're a very strategic ally for the US. A huge country where they could station millions of troops in the event of another war in the Pacific. Okinawa serves a similar purpose, but much closer to the enemy (China) and the Japanese would only put up with so much.

I really think that if push came to shove, Australians would never pick China over the US, despite our economic ties with the former. And if for some reason we chose China, I'd be on the next flight to America.

The answer is this: US couldn't risk cutting ties with us because we would then turn to China out of economic necessity and become their resources bitch. Imagine we are just a little farming robot fuelling their war machine and industrial empire.

Except NZ is just as bad lol. But I'm still fucking jealous, Otago is prime land. I've looked at doing the same, moving to NZ but I don't have the cash and land there isn't cheap. Gratz on getting out of this shithole though.

2004 newfag here, in crypto since 2012, all in on bsv aiming for about 2000 bsv, currently at 1400.

Yeah I thought these would be the answers. I kinda want Australia to get fucked up really bad though, and serve as a global lesson to the rest of the world, of what not to do. Fuck this country.

I heard that NZ has better CGT laws than us in regards to cashing out. But I wouldn't want to live there long term, they probably will succumb to similar problems as us. I kinda want to go live in America too but they have their own problems. There is no perfect nation.

I wish she were my mom hehe

They already are as bad as us though when it comes to the China shit, I've never met a New Zealander who wouldn't say otherwise. I only like it better because it's more like Europe than this hellscape. Realistically anywhere is fine as long as you are isolated away from the cities and self sustainable. The US would be great if not for the fact there is just too many people there, and emigration is hard as fuck. The best thing about Aus/NZ is we're just so isolated from everything, on a global scale.

Just let it all collapse already please god. Modern civilization was a mistake. Industrial society was a mistake. Mass agriculture was a mistake. It's all a sick farce and goes against both mother nature and human nature.

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NZ has its' own issues, but getting a green card in the US was a hassle and i'm not going to Europe. NZ is pretty neutral politically and I am just going to get cosy and watch the world burn. I've ordered a half acre green house and i'm going to grow my own food, raise chickens and sheep, fun times lol. Land also has it's own natural water that i'm going to build a runoff drain for and filter for drinking. The water there is so clean it's fucking insane.

I bought the land through farmer contacts (worked as an agricultural solicitor in Sydney for 8 years) for dirty cheap. 4.8ha about an hour from Queenstown for 330k AUD. Bought at market in the region I bought in that land would cost about 2.5m. Just close with the vendor, dude owed me a favour and is on his deathbed more or less anyway.

Anyway, I don't plan on being here when interest rates go back up to 8% when we are mid-recession over the next few years and taxes double to cater for the homeless morons that bought the top of the real estate boom (funded by Chinese dirty money).

wasnt he really against refugees?

I'm thoroughly jealous of you honestly. Living my dreams.

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the perfect nation don't exist anymore, focus on building your perfect family/ community instead

On the smaller scale relationships will revert to how the middle ages were. On the grand scale governance would slowly be replaced by smart contracts

US has low population density plus massive population decline.

Also, fun story.

I worked for a law firm in 2015 that did the sales contracts for a lot of the big apartment complexes in Sydney (the big mirvac, lendlease, stockland ones). At one point one of them got audited because there are statutory limits on how many apartments can be sold overseas. This one complex had aprox 500 apartments and the company involved (one of those 3) was adamant less than 20% were sold to foreign purchasers. This is besides the fact that the first 2 rounds of sales offerings were made in Macau, Hong Kong and Beijing (not joking). After all was said and done, 72% turned out to be sold to foreign buyers (mostly Chinese). I remember going through the contracts and literally 11 apartments worth over $9m AUD total were "bought" by a 19 year old Chinese girl and her only evidence of Australian residence was a provisional drivers licence.

They wire the money from China to settle on the properties and when Australia (FIRB/AUSTRAC) asks if the money is clean and tax has been paid on the money in China, they just say yes and the Australian Government does what a good lap dog does which is.... nothing. One guy LITERALLY settled for a $2.38m penthouse in the inner city using FUCKING PAYPAL because he didn't want to declare the money.

The country is fucked and when the property market crashes i'm going to laugh for weeks.

I have $30k in crypto. Might buy gold and some btc. Expecting a recession to wipe out super, might have to do something with that. Any ideas anons?

If AUD outperforms LINK over the next 10 years I will make a shirt that says "Retard" and then eat turds until I die.

Good exit plan

Shame that cunt leader of nz is banning guns. Especially since they clamped down on chinese property ownership. One step forward, three steps back.

I worry there is no truly safe harbor to go to and it’ll all turn to shit sooner rather than later

Just publically, with all that stop the boats crap. Cunt was still inviting in plane people.

I mean the perfect nation for tax and business purposes, but with also the right amount of freedom. I no longer let other shit bother me and just want to focus on myself and my family or whatever. But I still need to be in the right country if I want to fully prosper and be able to enjoy life. For example, even if I focused fully on building myself up and my family up, I am still not going to be able to have a complete collection of WW2 firearms like I've always wanted because of shitty Australian gun laws. I'd have to be in America to do that. Then I also want to start a hobby business and dabble in the arts. So I'd need a country with good taxation and small business laws, and also one that is cultured and supports the arts.

You and me have very different goals then. I already live your dream. My reasons for hating Australia are very different. I am so fucking sick of the country, I've been stuck out in bumfuck nowhere on a farm with nothing around me for too long, I want to move to the city. But Sydney is expensive and shit. So I'm not moving there, but when I make it move out of Australia, I know I am gonna move to a city. I am so fucking sick of driving a fucking hour to go anywhere and having friends live way to far away. Country living is the most overrated meme on earth. It's mindnumbingly boring out here after a few years.

come to brisbane cunt fuck sydney fuck melbourne

I'd say city living is a meme as well but guess grass is always greener somewhere

i heard something about a lot of chinese launder money through hong kong or some shit

I just want things to be close. Fuck, I see so little people. Work is full of footy obsessed bogan faggots I can't stand being around, and is so far from home that when I looked it up on google maps I can fit most Euro cities in between my house and my work. Fuck petrol costs too, and the location of the nearest petrol station to my house, fuck that. Fuck eating the same fucking food over and over again. Fuck the shitty food from the nearest restaurant to my place, fuck having to drive an hour to the nearest place with a supermarket and a food court. I just want shit to be close. I want to feel hungry, and realize I can just walk outside and there are several restaurants within 1 min walking distance and I have a whole variety of food that I don't have to cook (absolute fuck cooking, I literally feel like a goddamn caged wage slave siting there cutting up meat and vegies for the millionth fucking time). I want to know that friends are close and I can easily pop over to hang out, and that if we are bored, there is more to do than fucking shitposting on here, I can go out to bars, clubs, events, go to places, visit interesting locations and fucking do things. Fuck. I don't understand why around 70% of the "what are you gonna do when you make it" threads have people saying they want to go live deep country and clock out of socety and grow their own food. It's not fucking fun. Good luck waging away in your field picking the same fucking fruit/vegies that you are sick of the taste off. Good luck going into that disgusting fucking chicken pen and finding eggs every morning. Hope you fucking like eggs every fucking day cunt.

I don't doubt this. Years ago before I was a country fag I used to work for a bricklaying company and rented a house in all the new suburbs they are building on the edge of Sydney. The company I work for got contracts to help build entire suburbs, we had fucking months of work just bricking up pretty much every house on a street then move to the next street and do it again. After like 5 months, the first few streets got opened up for sale, and while we were now driving past going to the other side of town bricking up new ones, I'd drive past all the now occupied houses.

Immigrants. Every single one. Not one white person. Saw jet black and night africans. Tons of chinese. Pajeets, paki's. You name it.

HK companies exploit workers on the mainland and then filter the money out of China away from the communist party into overseas markets to park their wealth. A lot of people don't know that the Hong Kong 'capitalist' State devolves back into the Chinese communist system in 2 decades. Between now and then they're trying to get money out into places like the US, Canada, UK, Australia, NZ, etc.

Also, casinos in Macau are mostly for money laundering money in/out of China lol.

I sympathise, honestly I do, but you will burn yourself out on it fast. Convenience is not worth the price. You're surrounded by ants. Not humans, ants. Traffic, noise, insect hives. It isn't human. It will turn you into a hollow being.
You also contradict yourself in because that's what you'll be surrounded by. Foreigners, bugmen and soulless thots who moved to the city to "enjoy their youth". The foreigners are the worst. Walk down Queen Street mall in Brisbane and legitimately half of the foot traffic is those blank, yellow ants. Asians are not humans. I'm not exaggerating, it's 50%. The cities are lost. Nuke them and be done.

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Yeah I know but as I said before, nothings perfect. When I make it I can always get two properties. A nice city apartment, and a huge acreage out in the country. Then go between as I please. I am the type of person who needs variety though. I can't do the same rote thing all the time, eat the same fucking foods, see the same fucking sights etc. I want some change. I am aware that I can't have that WW2 gun collection I desire in a city apartment either, probably not even in America.

Resistance Dex you mean? I will check it out

I feel you man. As for guns, yeah it's sad. I'm a huge gun nut as well. I've thought about Alaska before honestly. Just need a 10x on my crypto lmao.

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There are good women in Aus though right? At least it is good for something.

Good looking, but personality wise they're the worst of brit slags and american women in one.

Checked. They’re clones.

>what are you bois doing to hedge against the AUD going to shit?
I'm investing in my ass.
Everything into ass.
Whatever I can grab my hands on, right up my ass.

Fellow brisfag, can confirm. Queen Street is chinksville, and Chinatown is full of homeless abbos


Just want to save up as much money as possible, move to somewhere in Asia and live a comfy life off investments lads

crypto is gonna buy me a property backing on to state forest/national park in Tassie where im building a self sustaining hobby farm and growing heaps of dope to just read and garden with my small family until the sea level rises enough to drown us

Fuck me those abbos stink. I had one actually grab my arm as I walked past the Myer centre bus stop near the maccas and I almost punched him. I had to actually scrub myself with soap before I could stop smelling his piss stench on my arm.

Taz is nice. Really fucking nice. I'll probably have something similar if we both make it.

Yellow ants will rule your pathetic country.

Yellow ants > cum stain ants

we are now hitting maximum levels of comfy. gonna build a fireplace in your house as well?

only downside is its real fuken cold, and i've lived in QLD all my life so i'm well acclimatised to the humid, sweaty heat

ill have to unless i wanna freeze to death. That fucken island is cold as shit.
Fire's are the tits anyway.. what else do you smoke dope and read books near?


usually out the back of my house but its getting too cold to do that