Someone asked me to incorporate chainlink in my public shenanigans. Timestamp: 55:13
Someone asked me to incorporate chainlink in my public shenanigans. Timestamp: 55:13
you have some issues buddy
i've watched from your timestamp for a minute and havent seen nor heard any reference to chainlink
fuck off and fuck your cringey shit OP you faggot
Sorry linked that wrong,
I love you autismanon
Thanks user
holy shit dude, you're a ucking huge utist, i'd have thrown you in the river if you filmed me.
knowing that you come from Jow Forums just makes it worse.
you act just like a psychopath. this is the firststep to you doing some more horrible stuff.
that's how they all start
hou nou op fucking autist
Wellp, guess im fucked then
This man's so dutch bro my ears calm it the fuck down with that accent.
Fuck off normie
these videos aren't edgy, they're just fucking cringey and boring more than anything
ps you look like a pedofile
I don't think they're meant to be edgy. I guess their purpose is like a social experiment, like there are security cameras all around you watching you, so why do you mind one more camera? Or smt like that
>comparing a cctv camera to an autistic retard shoving a camera in your face
ok user
you have to go you fucking troglodyte normie
there is no difference, government hires subhuman minimum wage retards to be their enforcers
life really that boring you gotta creep on strangers?
there is a difference you creep
security cameras are passively filming an area, which you walk into (in most cases knowing there is cctv)
this creep is actively filming (and engaging) with the public, it'd be just as creepy if your cctv started talking to you.
girls wear bikinis to the beach but does that mean you can just walk into their locker room whilst they're changing? no gtfo
hurr durr you know governments film let me be a retard and film 1 inch away from your face, ofc when you just trying to enjoy time away from work.
if it was me i woulda break your camera along with your face.
i fucking love thse vids
>being insufferable in public
If you keep this up you camera is guaranteed getting broken, and your nose perhaps too.
actually you know what?
just film immigrants and tourists so they fuck off
in this case you are guaranteed getting your nose broken.
nice digits. Checked
The absolute PEAK normie level in this thread. Imagine being so mad at someone being a silly duffer on youtube that you threaten him with violence LOL. The NPC meme is REAL.
The absolute PEAK retard level in this thread. Imagine being an edgelord bizlet on youtube, sperging around asking about chainlink LOL. The Chris-chan legacy is REAL.