Satoshi predicts

BSV to $1200 EOY and CZ in jail for at least 7 years

Attached: D8LEzTJWwAADeUy.jpg large.jpg (800x1000, 126K)

Other urls found in this thread:

+15 rupee

Notes of a deranged mind.
What the fuck is he even saying, the format makes 0 sense. If you're gonna write such bullshit at least keep it private, especially if you're trying to be seen as a genius top kek

This is pure drivel. c-
Do better Satoj,

BSV will be the coin of choice for trannies everywhere

stiffed and brownpilled

>I don't normally predict price, but BUY NOW. PUMP SOON
Lol holy shit this guy is a textbook scammer

nobody is going to remember him in two years

>be satoshi
>care about price

who the fuck is DL?

is craig saying he has a 64% chance of doing deadlifts in prison?

Attached: Screenshot 2019-06-04 at 12.46.12.png (936x86, 98K)

dan larimer

>>I don't normally predict price, but BUY NOW. PUMP SOON
imagine not buying when satoshi fucking nakamoto himself tells you its going up 500% within 7 months. clown world indeed

dan larimer EOS


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my god he is such a deluded little prick, I honestly find so many parallels between him and trump it isnt even funny, just laughable the viitorul that comes out his mouth.

lmao all of those numbers he pulled out of his ass and his pathetic worshippers will believe it

hes more like jeb bush than trump

>I honestly find so many parallels between him and trump it isnt even funny,
I'm confused. You say it as if it's a bad thing?

>I honestly find so many parallels between him and trump it isnt even funny
thanks just bought 100k

clown world is faggots like you thinking creg wrong is satoshi
>I'm not retarded, I am just a paid shill
Shut the fuck up you fucking little bitch go neck yourself

He has the honesty of Hillary Clinton, the energy levels of Jeb!, the market understanding of AOC, the sexual orientation of Obama, the genetic heritage of Ajit Pai and the arrogance of Trump.
The latter only works if you're smart and successful, lmfao.

Attached: SV-retard.png (1200x1438, 765K)

definition of a pseudo-intellect,

you dont have that kind of capital pleb

Good, you are progressing in your grief process. Next stage is bargaining

Attached: grief.png (1200x901, 60K)

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this is the same guy that said he didnt care about price and only cared about merchants using it. them he writes the most pajeet wall of text i have ever seen.
the absolute state

he is truly one of the most cancerous infidels I have ever encountered. Still, BSV x4 was well worth the investment when it was delisted from Binance.

>Craig in prison for murder of his partner & stealing from his BTC wallet

its a fake pic lol

V(t) =PT/M

V(t) = velocity of money
P=price level
T=is the aggregate real value of transactions in a given time frame
M=is the total nominal amount of money in circulation on average in the economy

Thus PT is the total nominal amount of transactions per period

Values of PT and M permit calculation of V(t).

V= is the velocity for transactions counting towards national or domestic product.
PQ= is nominal national or domestic product.

Now let's play a game. Who can see what happens if you double the velocity of money while the values of P T or M stay the same. Or double the value of any of the variables for that matter.

Now, I wonder what would happen if you increased the capacity of your network to process transaction by having unbound blocks. I wonder what would happen if say early next year businesses like floatSV, DRIVE markets, tokenized, SBI Holdings, Kronoverse, Square, money button, tonicPOW, weather SV start filling up these bocks.

I wonder if the velocity of money would increase by any significant degree.. I wonder if one could consider all this economic activity some kind of gross national product.. M is basically a constant in bitcoin especially after the halving.

This is really basic economics. This is how you can make predictions about real value for things. It's not based on speculation of a future value, it's based off how much the money is used.

It's really not rocket science to see how him knowing what kind of transactional throughput is coming and when, that he could make this call about the price.

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Attached: scamtoshifagamoto9.png (518x1105, 123K)

That makes no sense, if you increase velocity then you DECREASE the value of the money as it moves more quickly so it can cover more transactions more rapidly.

And more

Attached: scamtoshifagamoto3.jpg (667x630, 70K)

Attached: realityisabitch.png (2140x1676, 2.55M)

Reminder that Craig Wright always has been and always will be a provable liar. The shills will inevitably abandon this thread or refuse to properly engage with anything I'm posting because they're underpaid, shit-eating curry niggers without the reading comprehension or technical literacy to effectively respond.

Attached: ScamtoshiFagamoto.png (1324x1700, 1.21M)

He is a vulture attempting to claim the work of a far greater and more humble person / peoples. The only thing that the bsv parasites infesting this board can really say to any of this is the same lines
> debunked
> cope
> stiff
and never, ever engage with anything of substance

They need to be shut down at every turn by calling them out on his lies until Ayre stops funding the 5-6 hourly threads that these literal retards spam this board with.

Attached: scamtoshifagamoto5.jpg (1400x1692, 238K)

What kind of raging autist write like this? He lost it didnt he?

Attached: 1528482046355.png (1200x1042, 247K)

This doesn't prove he is a liar. It proves there has been changes to the blogpost. For what purpose, we can only ASSUME.
What is this. A pic of some claims. Such devastating proof. This is hearsay. A few dust txs to a early bitcoin address doesn't PROVE anything.
An unfinished conversation. Rekt.

> This doesn't prove he is a liar. It proves there has been changes to the blogpost. For what purpose, we can only ASSUME.
He's a liar who has fabricated emails as well. Keep making excuses for it.
> What is this. A pic of some claims. Such devastating proof. This is hearsay. A few dust txs to a early bitcoin address doesn't PROVE anything.
Learn to read, you mouthbreathing piece of garbage. "Some claims." He specifically asked these people to send to that address as part of his proof and he never got back them - never will.
> An unfinished conversation. Rekt.
Proof that this worthless faggot doesn't even know the limitations of address generation.

A for effort, F for understanding anything you're shown
Is there anyone else? Or just this subhuman barking and pissing itself to defend its faggot master.

>He's a liar who has fabricated emails as well. Keep making excuses for it.
HEARSAY. Until you show me the actual emails, and then even if you have something you have to prove INTENT there. People can fabricate emails for many different reasons. Sometimes to obfuscate rather than to lie.
>Learn to read, you mouthbreathing piece of garbage. "Some claims." He specifically asked these people to send to that address as part of his proof and he never got back them - never will.
I don't see anything that is documented as being from him. I see a picture of someone saying he said this. That is called HEARSAY. Take that to court and they will say where did you get this? Who is this person writing this, where is this agreement with him and craig, why the fuck did you present me this trash, get the fuck out of my court room pleb!
>Proof that this worthless faggot doesn't even know the limitations of address generation.
Or equally that he couldn't be fucked conversing with some stuck up cunt on twitter. I've tapped out of many a reply to you and the other retarded notmysatoshi shills because I couldn't be fucked going through something for the millionth time with someone who has no intention of listening but is getting paid to deceive.

You are literally clutching at straws as if they are some kind of definitive proof of anything. Get your shit together mate.
Here have a small world mandala network fractal creg for your troubles.

Attached: smallworldscreg.png (1437x1403, 1.75M)

this is fuckin stupid, the original at the top is from the blogspot ARCHIVE unlike the bottom which is dated from the blogspot website
this shit fud is literally trying to claim he edited it from an archive of an archive IN WHICH THE ORIGINAL POSTED IN 2009 GOT ARCHIVED IN 2014 AND THEN ARCHIVED AT ARCHIVE.ORG IN 2015

very underrated post

he literally ADMITTED to faking that post you retarded fucking pajeets

>said he doesn't care about price
absolute state of redditors

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craig is going to jail tho
faggot fraud

If this happens, i'll start smoking crack

$1000 EOY meme ultimate revival

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craig wright killed dave kleiman and stole 1,000,000 BTC.

It's even simpler than that, the bitcoins are entirely made up

craig write killed satoshi (Dave kleiman) in 2013

I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again.

If BSV gains any more traction then BTC, BCash, and BSV will all go to zero and ETH will be king.

Craig is bad for the space, and will bring everything down even though he, Szabo, and the disabled gentlemen are all three Satoshi.


Attached: Punished Craig.jpg (749x496, 315K)

eth will die off because pos cant work.

sharding got patented by amazon
eth is dead and it'll see $15 next year

Said who? Craig Wright, a sysadmin who can't fucking code?

>if bsv gets traction it will go to Zero

talking about price =/= making predictions that involve 5x + returns on his own coin.
did i even need to reply to you? i doubt you cant see this for yourself BSV shill

This explains Craig Wright's behavior perfectly. Le Roux is the best fitting candidate for Satoshi.

So craig is satoshi by default now?

yeah of course and Trump has a record with lies in the WH. *cough cough* Nice Fake News you got there CNN.
Where is our Muller Report on CSW that proves he's fake as fuck as the Core-Dems claim all the time?

ETH is a heavily overvalued shitcoin with a large ass premined supply that cannot even sustain one dapp being used in parallel by a couple of thousand users. Also this weakling Buterin is not my type of guy. I prefer a real boss like Craig.