Is this a good investment?

Is this a good investment?

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Well lad. It's a good investment if you're making movie trailers. Other than that, it looks like a cheese grater.

Holy shit! I thought Nick Fuentes was joking about this.

should we short apple because it looks like a cheese grater and normans wont buy it?
or do we long apple because it is so overpriced and every hollywood jew movie slave will have to buy one and make apple billions?


i regular computer with the same hardware costs 1k

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The display stand costs $1,000 when I could literally make a replica for $300 and I don't have the infrastructure of one of the biggest companies in the world to get cheap parts and automated assemble.

it's all overpriced except for the display stand. only buy the display stand. it's good value.

It literally looks like a cheese grater. Apple have stopped trying since Steve Jobs died. It's like they know their fans are brain dead NPCs and will buy whatever they shit out.

>that'll be $6000 please

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In all seriousness the only thing that may not be extremely inflated is the monitor, which is bleeding edge monitor technology when it comes to colours, brightness, etc.

Still stinks that they have it in 6K instead of 8K though... People watch things in 1080p ("2k), 4k and soon also 8k. Why the fuck would pixar or whatever studios making movies not wanting something whose pixels can be divided by 8K, 4k and 2K instead as a reference workstation monitor?

but can it do e mails and microsoft word and excel? I also want to play solitaire when I have to look after my wifes son.

imagine having enough fucking sheep conditioned into thinking buying a fucking STAND FOR A GOD DAMN SCREEN is worth $1000

I hope these stands double as euthanasia devices so anyone stupid enough to buy them is killed once it's set up.

>I hope these stands double as euthanasia devices so anyone stupid enough to buy them is killed once it's set up.

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the stand is pretty dope desu. magnetic attachment and weightless tilt swivel etc. if u watched the brief video showing a cutaway with the mechanism inside it looked ridiculously over engineered and complex

It's $1000 you fucking sheep .. $1000!
buy it and kys


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Only if you're a creative dweeb who mingles with a lot of digital content. Otherwise No.

The downfall of Apple will be as fast as its rise.
>Tfw 6k for nothing

it looks like a cheese grater and normans will buy it

I hope this allows Applefags to realize how much they've been robbed over the years. They will probably double down though.

>one thousand dollar stand
>worth it no matter what
sup cultist

You grossly underestimate the stupidity of NPCs. They're all gonna flock to buy this on credit. It doesn't matter that it's an ugly overpriced piece of shit.

The only fucking reason to buy a MacBook is if you're into video editing/graphics design. Otherwise you're a fucking retard paying for overpriced hardware. This user is right

Same for their fucking phones. My normie tard friends always tell me "lol get an iPhone" when I show them new Android phones and they literally have no argument other name brand recognition

> t. literal cuckold

But you have to run shitty Windows, and the computer lasts less than two years. Get what you pay for

And not even then, is it worth it..

It's funny to see a board of neets wanting a lambo bitching about overpriced things.

This is insanely expensive. The keyboard, mouse and powercord amounts to about 1k so it's actually 13k for the full experience.

If you buy this you have more money than sense. For half the money you can build a monster machine for a PC.

I swear it's dumbass women that are propping up the apple market because they see it as a status symbol.

GT3 or bust, and it's like 1/10th the price

only time i would pay for a 1k stand is if it used magnets or some shit to literally levitate the screen

Even that's not worth 1k

Get out of here normalfag.

Women and onionlads

Based Santana tourist

Yes, because you only have to buy a few of those to eat up your department's year end budget surplus.

Attached: Burning Money.gif (400x225, 3.72M)

This. The redditification of Jow Forums is pig-disgusting, the other day someone was ACTUALLY defending niggers...

why is there no one supplying high spec, aesthetic user friendly pc's at a respectable price? i would have thought theres a huge market for this

t. Edward the Confessor



Because you can just build a rig for way cheaper. Apple users are too fucking retarded to realize they're overpaying for hardware.

It's the same newfaggots who bitch about crossposters.
Nah fuck you faggots. I'm in crypto to subvert shekelstein