I Hate Normies

>Be at work
>Asshole coworker comes in my office and asks what exchange I use
>lie and say Coinbase because I don't want anyone to know how embarrassing my crypto tastes are
>Be today, months later, dude comes in my office with coinbase on his phone, I don't know what the fuck it is when he asks what the margins are on BTC are
>hear him talking to another coworker, "He didn't know BTC margins, but he likes coinbase"
>other guy laughs, like they've been talking about it behind my back
Why do normalfags care about shit like this so much, to the point of gossiping about it? I never talk to anyone, and it's not like I made a big deal about how much I "love" coinbase or anything, I tried to change the subject and get back to work after he asked what coins I like anyways.

How long until l i n k takes off and frees me from this nightmare???

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This is the best cover ever. Always play stupid and let people around you show their true colors. It makes leveling up so much fucking easier.

What the fuck are you doing there if you didn't know what margin is?

Holy shit this guy still used coinbase and doesn't know what margin trading is AHAHAHAHAHAHA HOLY SHIT HAHAHAHAHA How dumb can you be?

>he likes classic rock but he doesn't know the police

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heheh I member that one

They wanted to befriend you for real and talk more to you about cryptos. But first they wanted to test you out about your knowledge and if you are an idiot or not. Sadly for them, you are a idiot. Why the fuck cant you stop lying? Their opinion of you clearly matter to you

They are just teasing you. It’s usually not nasty, but, since you are a snowflake, you won’t realize this is how people begin friendships

Should of said you used bitmex
Then your asshole friends would have lost all their money and their jobs and committed suicide by now

this they were probably biz shitposters and trying to scope you out. you failed and they think you are the normie. just bee yourself OP.

Unironically this

heh i remember that post......
guess im an oldfag now.......

>I made the original post
>tfw I listen to loli moe denpa

This is good and you already exposed too much.

He'll come in crying one day like the liquidated pink wojack posters here

Nice blogpost faggot

>margin trading
idiot. he was asking if he knew how much of a premium coinbase takes when you buy and sell. it has nothing to do with margin trading.

Better to let them think you’re an idiot so you can hide your power levels in peace. You haven’t /madeit/ until you’re so rich you don’t give a fuck about what other people think.

normies love gossip
its like a hobby to them

newfag here. i wanna deposit more of my fiat into crypto but i don't wanna get scammed by jewbase again. any other reputable site with low fees?

what is the shitcoin equivalent of loli moe denpa?


chcked, kek'd. It's the same meme all over again ITT

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>Asshole coworker comes in my office
wish I had my own office, gramps

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>this they were probably biz shitposters and trying to scope you out. you failed and they think you are the normie
This would be funny but the statistical likelihood of that actually occurring is slim. Playing dumb allows you a better chance to survey the field like OP has done. Hearing their gossip confirms his suspicions that they are, in fact, nothing more than dumb normies. If you had told them the truth they would have never listened until it was too late, at which point they would swiftly fomo in and get dumped on. Then they would resent you for this when it was in fact due to their own stupidity and risk-aversion. Finally this would conclude with increased liability on your end because you now have multiple people who know your face irl and also that you have obtained an undisclosed amount of wealth from crypto. If OP is an autist he might suck at lying too so he would not be able to play off his newly obtained riches under unexpected scrutiny from normies. Altogether it's less of a hassle to make it while staying user.

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>Always play stupid
Beta as fuck

stop being such an awkward beta. dude asked you what exchange you use but you're so insecure and weird that you lied....
this is why nobody likes you. you can't even answer a simple question without mucking it up like a complete faggot. have sex

Depends on the situation