What's the PoS alternative to bitcoin/litecoin?
I'm so fucking done with the centralization.
And no, DPOS and the rest can fuck off. I want regular old PoS where you don't have to do obscure shit like elect someone or some shit.
What's the PoS alternative to bitcoin/litecoin?
Decred, unironically.
(Decred is not delegated PoS. Made by BTC programmers. It's hybrid PoS/PoW )
just read that on their website.
hybrid pos/pow. just why?
looks like they're activating lightning network, but idk about that hybrid shit.
"There are three main ways to interact with Decred:
The Wallet - For sending and receiving funds as well as participating in PoS voting.
Proof-of-work Mining - Using computing power to validate transactions on the network and generate new Decred tokens.
Proof-of-stake Voting - Using funds to vote on important network development matters and validate transactions for rewards."
into the trash it goes.
Best of both worlds. Takes advantages of each. PoS layer adds security. Pure PoS is too centralizing. PoW dillutes early rich stakers
thank me later
What's wrong with that?
Nimiq is working on a PoS algo close to Tendermint/Algorand: medium.com
It's still PoW as of today for now though.
yeah, but that shit is dead development-wise. it was just a test for the PoS algo. so what's the peercoin 2.0
checking it out
well it's just PoW with PoS tacked on top for some voting system that the majority will never use.
so... eth?
Ethereum. Not currently obviously, but once/when/if POS is out all you gotta do is run an eth node, no voting or any such nonsense. Also this will become very interesting if EIP1559 gets implemented. The highlights of that one are standardized gas prices and burn (lowering supply over time) of ethereum, probably won't beat inflation but a proper node will then technically make more than the steady inflation.
I kinda expect it to get implemented, it's an economically appealing proposition hidden beneath a streamlining feature. Maybe I'm just hopeful.
Sorry I couldn't help with thing out right now.
Actually Bitcoin is proof-of-stake at the hardware level. Bitcoin is mined by expensive ASICs that can't do anything else and become worthless if miners collude to perform a 51% attack. These expensive SHA-256 ASICs are the "stake" held by each miner to encourage good behavior. It's the same principal as software proof-of-stake where the stakers generate blocks based on the coins they hold and likewise must behave or else their stake become worthless. This is also why GPU-based proof-of-work coins don't really have much of a future.
BTC is SHA-256
so is BCH and BSV and others
miners can choose where to add their value
while in PoS is cannot choose
ethereum is dead, a 4tb blockchain for the fishes. also, I'm not too optimistic about any of that ever happening. And money skeleton holds 80% of supply, which will automatically destroy any PoS they implement, unless you "trust" him to not stake.
looks ok. hard to find info on their website, can't tell how their staking process works exactly. and apparently coin distribution is complete shit.
PIVX, it works very well and they are working on staking while private which means it is a real private bank account with interest and not just speculation
>And money skeleton holds 80% of supply
That's a bit unfair, the genesis block accounts today for 67% of the supply. And only 12MM ether were premined for "Vitalik", the ethereum foundation, that's about 15% today? The rest sold in the crowdsale. I'm sure he did his fair share of mining early on, but 80%? Him proclaiming ethereum is overbought suggests he sold at low prices too.
Fantom. Will scale. Everything mining pow is compromised by centralized giant mining farms that can 51% any coin they want. POS coins are the only way forward.
You're right. I just read wikipedia's bit that says
>the system then went live on 30 July 2015, with 72 million coins "premined". This accounts for about 68 percent of the total circulating supply in 2019. [5]
but I guess those were sold at inception. well, that's a bit more faith for eth from me. but the chain is terabytes big, and it can't be shrunk now...
this claims otherwise
finding information about the size is a bit hard but I do see that the archive is getting into the multi tb area, but as far as I can tell you don't really need to store it unless you want access to it for reasons unrelated to operating a node.
Coin distro aint all that bad for Navcoin, biggest wallets are exchanges' cold storages, obviously. Simply install full node wallet and stake away for approx. 10% annual returns. Coin needs to recover to top 100 though.
My knowledge on eth is pretty limited, I see. PoS has been in the works for years. Have they come ANY closer to achieving it? is casper still not done?
I thinks fantom, fusion, coti have this classic POS. Completely permissionless, and more importantly they pump fucking hard as we speak
Have you looked at Cosmos?
I have the impression that the majority of design work is done (by vitalik and the foundation) on all the anticipated upgrades, but it's still gonna take a long time to develop and test. I just "shilled" you ETH as in my opinion it's the only thing that has any chance of being POS, since there's nothing right now that is. I don't know what chinese teams do, don't trust them so I don't even bother to see what they're selling.
Divi. Low cap, high rewards. One click masternode install. Soon masternode from mobile app. Check it out
Beancash has been there all along.
mmm. maybe.
I do wish these fucking coins would list at least the basics of how their algos work. They've got 2 videos on their front page, both tell absolutely nothing about the coin. It's all about "their mission," and nothing about how their coin will achieve it. Even their whitepaper is about how they plan to be user-friendly by building GUI apps. wtf does that have to do with the coin. And the "masternodes". Now, I never got the point of these; why make different types of nodes? Or is this just a fab name for a full node? Shit don't make no sense to me, just adds complexity, but maybe I'm retarded.
I envision a PoS system where staking works automatically, and every address with coins in it has a chance of winning, so it's like a lottery, in a sense.
oh sweet vishnuss... look at the toilet on this biche
>anime mascot used in their frontpage video
looking good right now
and then they went on to say there's 3 different types of staking within the system. What the FUCK
there are literally like 4 proposals going on for Decred Stakeholders. proposals.decred.org
says it's DPOS, not really a fan.
and zero fees? how does that even work
It is the god protocol, that is how. The distribution of nodes is based on owning 0.1% stake, or having 0.1% stake delegated to your node. 1000 nodes max in this case. If NANO was fully POS it will slow the network down, so the dPOS model was used to secure the fastest speeds while still maintaining a stable and secure network.
The NANO community believes that we will one day overtake LTC, if not BTC. The investment alone is all the reward we need to host our nodes. We want to see this succeed, not just to line our own pockets, but because it is everything BTC promised to be. Deflationary decentralized digital cash.
I don't know what the piece of shit alternative to BTC and LTC is but I can venture many guesses.
but with 0 tx fees, isn't that all it ever will be? don't you need tx fees to prevent spamming? if not for the system itself, then for some auxiliary part of it, like smart contracts or side chains? dunno. Anyhow, dpos, and the D there, is sort of centralizing, isn't it. bunch of coins have used/use it, and when there's a delegate that does things wrong, majority never seems to react, because nobody gives a shit about their bags.
Divi Project.
Xcash launching DPOS in Q3
Did check it out. The concept of "masternodes" again. Pretty pointless and gay.
bit too fresh to make any sort of judgment on my part. Anyhow, it's DAG, not blockchain, and I've no idea how dag works.
I've come to the conclusion that regular PoS isn't even what I'm after. I'm more inclined toward a useful proof-of-work.
Explicit staking - where you have to do something to your coins to stake them - is stupid, but I don't know a better alternative for it, since someone has to forge the blocks.
or maybe it isn't stupid. Maybe it's just the current software that's shit. If I had a phone app that was staking automatically whenever I had my phone on, then that would be painless.