Bitcoin is/was itself a honeypot that went on to created an entire crypto industry, documenting 10 years of criminality on immutable blockchains. You didn't think Craig Wright was a consultant to the N*A for fun, did you?

Silk Road, MtGox, Btc-e, Backpage, Bitfinex/Tether, Binance

The good guys (Trump + more) are in charge now and the criminals are about to be rolled up in the biggest sting operation in history. 100,000 Sealed Indictments to be rolled out pending DECLAS of Russigate conspiracy materials (imminent) and release of OIG Horowitz, US Attorney Huber and US Attorney Durham reports on the globalist attempt to topple the United States.

Treasonous conspiracy with America's rivals.

Get out of the crypto casino while you can. You might have a few months left, or a few days.

When all is said and done one coin will be left rising from the ashes. Satoshi's Vision: The Original BitCoin Blockchain.

Buy Gold, buy Silver, remove your large Cash balances from the Bank.

Attached: Wizards&Warlocks.jpg (1836x2420, 764K)

Other urls found in this thread:

If you want to be a fully government-compliant blockchain, you must have the ability to reverse transactions and KYC for wallet users. We'll see how Dr. Craig Wright is able to pull this off.

Calvin the pedophile is going to prison?

Attached: 1a0a0961764a2fa3f83c4ca20eb5a497.jpg (800x773, 91K)

wrong. its not about reversing payments. its about tracking them. kyc is already a thing and will stay that way. when you purchase bsv in the future you will do so under your real name. and if you use your coins for illegal shit it will be traced back to you.

The pedophilia is with the Deep State, currently represented by mainstream Democrats and globalist RINOs. But you already knew that, didn't you?

Full government compliance is about on-chain KYC because a single exchange can be bypassed. Hopefully, Dr. Craig Wright will implement it soon enough. Besides, the authorities must have the ability to reverse transactions in the event of fraud.

Absolute cringe

The Democrats are pro-LGBT.

that wont be possible. its either immutable or it isnt. there is no middle ground.

You can do chain reorgs. Just legally oblige miners to do the update, and that's it.

Hahahaha these tranny shills think people are going to believe their fake news bullshit.

>bsvfaggots are also migatarded q idiots

im not surprised


Attached: craigslop.jpg (1024x768, 108K)

wont that risk loosing thousands of legit transactions? not to mention disruption of service for the entire network.

>You can do chain reorgs. Just legally oblige miners to do the update, and that's it.

>"Dear Miner, The united states government orders you to reorganise the bitcoin blockchain"

>"ching chong ching chong fuck off laowai"

Can governments reverse cash transactions if the cash cannot be located after the transaction? How would it be done?

"We have determined that the fact of the existence or non-existence of the materials you request is a currently and properly classified matter in accordance with Execcutive Order 163526, as set forth in Subparagraph (c) of Section 1.4. Thus, your request is denied pursuant to the first exemption of the FOIA which provides that the FOIA does not apply to matters that are specifically authorized under criteria established by an Executive Order to be kept secret in the interest of national defese or foreign relations and are, in fact properly classified to such Executive Order."

In other words, STIFF.

In the near future (if not already in secret) BitCoin will be such a great interest to National Security that the US Government will be mining BitCoin or contract with US approved government contractors to mine it for them.

We shall see.

more like paul la roux invented it and everyone is full of shit and stiffed without keys. who leaked his name in the court doc though and where is that person now is the more interesting question

Dr. Craig Wright is very smart, he'll come up with something

>Can governments reverse cash transactions if the cash cannot be located after the transaction? How would it be done?
BitCoin is not cash, it's a government-compliant, KYC-verified payment system.

The FUD is getting more intricate. It's adapting to the times, evolving, shaping itself so you doubt your beliefs and are falsely forced to sell while ((((they)))) accumulate. The rich trying to accumulate are showing weakness so they FUD you with these intricate schemes, crazy schizophrenic personas with delusions of grandeur and fake 3 letter agency letters, cleverly devised to force you to sell your precious crypto assets so ((((they)))) can continue to exert and assert financial dominance over you. You are not supposed to be free, you are supposed to be chained to their fiat and be forever indebted to ((((them)))). Who would you place your most deepest trust? On a mathematical proven algorithm that's supposed to be trustless and unbreakable to a certain degree or on ((((them))))? ((((Them)))) who caused most financial breakdowns and crysis that shook the world a countless number of times?

Attached: 1559080548847.jpg (750x1000, 77K)

the ultimate goal is for it to be secur
y mined in nsa datacenters because after mainstream adoption takes off the nsa will be the only thing that can afford to mine it. and also we will need to keep china out of it. its literally going to be centralized and thats a good thing. no more democracy. no more changes. just a stable protocol forever. welcome to sound money.

"Precious Crypto Assets" aka "Guys Tether is totally legit and I sucked off Brock Pierce last weekend"

>good guys
More proof BSV spamming is inorganic and didn't originate from this website.

Attached: 1541109515196.gif (429x592, 2.8M)

>reddit spacing
Go the fuck back, it's obvious you aren't from this website

BSV fags come from Twitter, they have a whole echo chamber there and are constantly referring to Twitter memes when spamming. They have slack/telegram channels too.

high energy thread. godspeed user

Attached: 1557514307772.png (600x600, 225K)

twitter hates bsv.

C*A != N*A

Who is Admiral Mike Rogers?
Why did Admiral Rogers visit Trump Tower on November 17, 2016?
Why did Obama force Rogers to resign the following day?

I have a love/hate relationship when it comes dealing with you fucking bundles of sticks but the most autistic and based among you will start to get it eventually.

>defending the nsa
Fuck off glowie apologist

WRONG. There's a huge community of Craig's followers there who only retweet each other. Someone shared a link to Jow Forums and they flocked here.

It's nonsense. Highly entertaining but nothing ever comes of it. How many years ave you waited for something to happen?

Don't you have some imageboard posts to put up as billboards you schizophrenic boomer?

Attached: 1549831269743.png (556x420, 320K)

We're watching a movie. The more you understand, the more you enjoy it.

Wow, what a great cryptocurrency that is. Giving the government full control, the true spirit of crypto.

dude nothing is going to happen to anybody over the next 1.5 years, trump we be elected again and he'll continue to be a kike loving faggot letting us turn into brazil 2.0, we're already dead you retard.

Yes, I'll enjoy the humiliation of Craig's shills in January, 2020. It will so big that it will be set in stone.

They are also pro abortion which keeps our nigger levels at a steady pace. It's a pick and choose

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> The true spirit of crypto
> Trading shitcoins anonymously (or so you thought)

you will get stiffed twice by the same jews

Or, we will write the evidence of their crimes to an immutable blockchain and then we'll force the government to use it transparently.

No more rewriting history textbooks.

Attached: Bitcoin!!!.jpg (2421x2421, 1.37M)

kys liar retard

I can't figure out if Soros or the Rothschilds are paying you directly or if it's being funneled through Blockstream, please advise.

Soros is not involved at all

His son was thinking about it but as far as i know not involved yet

About 3 years back the Rainforest Foundation launched a cryptocurrency called Bitseeds and I bought the fuck out of it because Alex Soros was quietly supporting it in the background. Then it got 51% attacked, pledged to move to a new chain which never happened and it just lingered and quietly disappeared getting delisted from Bittrex leaving me a huge bagholder.

Anyway point being Alex didn't come and save the day even with as much money as he had he could have made things happen if he cared that much.

Nice reddit spacing tranny shill, I can't figure out if calvin or craig are paying you directly or if it's being funneled through nchain, please advise

>imagine being a cuck sitting behind a desk getting paid to post shit like this while your wife and daughter are both getting the cock-down of their lives every day you're at ''work'' protecting your country working for nazcia

Nigga you gay?

i was told that he simply got paid to use his name...
however i'm talking about recently

Core Cucks in Full Desperation Mode, see Pic attached.

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Calvin took the bait. That retard is so fucked. Bankruptcy will happen soon!

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I'm unemployed by choice because I'm already set, thanks for your concern buddy

Reddit spacing is unironically awesome because it outs the low IQ shills who have nothing else of substance to respond with

Nice try tranny shill. You'll be looking for a new job soon!

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>The good guys (Trump + more)

Stopped reading there

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You’re Wojack number 3.

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You clearly understand neither international diplomacy nor the concept of classification for reasons of national security

Why are you confusing CIA and NSA? They are enemies.

Based. I figured this out quite a while ago. Craig is working with the NSA and Q team to free us from the kike NWO.

Attached: CSW_Q_militaryintel.png (3252x2152, 2.34M)

The bright spots of intelligence on this board make it all worthwhile, thank you for sharing user.

pretty much everybody hates this shit, i bet even the paid shillers hate this shit


Been following Q since the beginning. At a certain point I started noticing connections between CSW and Q messages, and that there was an implicit relationship.

Clues like pic related finally gave it away.

Attached: Craig_Q.png (1008x610, 337K)

user this is just a form letter telling you to fuck off

> user this is just a form letter telling you to fuck off because releasing any record of their involvement in Bitcoin could reasonably be expected to cause identifiable or describable damage to the national security

My mind has been blown

Once Silk Road was busted and the globalist cabal realized that every illicit transaction they'd made over the past 4 years using Bitcoin was traceable, they set in motion a multi-pronged plan to attack Bitcoin (Blockstream to take over the protocol + a divide and conquer tactic that created hundreds of knockoff shitcoins)

It almost worked...

Attached: 1559673925476.jpg (609x325, 37K)

>the fact of the existence of non-existence of the materials you request is a currently and properly classified matter

This means they are refusing to say anything at all, including anything that would allow anyone to use process of elimination to discover what the NSA is involved in and what it isn't.

If you sent them the same request except replaced "Bitcoin" with "gay reptilian orgies" or "banana farms on the moon", you would get the same response.