cryptocurrency is literally the only asset type that a common person can have true absolute ownership of (i.e. it can't be confiscated unless you choose to surrender it as long as you operate up to a certain standard)
Cryptocurrency is literally the only asset type that a common person can have true absolute ownership of (i.e...
>can't be confiscated
except the police can confiscate all your laptop and computers with all your info
>inb4 durr i will jus memorize 20 digit string code
>being this new
yeah memorizing 12 words and learning how to use encryption is probably completely beyond the abilities of most people. but if you can do it what I said is true.
and what stops the police from throwing you in jail until you tell them the code? morons
>living in an authoritarian country
nothing you dumb cunt. that changes nothing about my point either you fucking bootlicking scum. they still cannot ever touch them.
in the first world the police can't just lock you up for no reason, my pajeet friend
if you don't live in an authoritarian country then there is no reason for them to confiscate your money in the first place you morons
doesn't matter if they can't touch your coins if they can touch you
>doesn't matter if they can't touch your coins if they can touch you
is this the best cope you have?
the government can break into your house any time and buttfuck you and your family, probably they can also kill you while keeping your brain alive and extract the necessary info in the near future too.
Sound money alone cant create an utopia where there is no totalitarian gubaman, its purpose is to prevent the ongoing scam that fucks over productive people.
>no counter-argument
thanks for proving me right dumbass
Sorry user but you're as dumb as a brick wall
exactly.. there is nothing that can't be confiscated
>no counter argument
found the 40 IQ retard
your point doesn't refute the fact that they can't confiscate it. what's your point, that police can arrest people? I don't disagree if they commit a crime
they can keep you in jail until you give them the code. Who are you kidding here dumb neckbeard? you would give them the code the moment they go through your door, but yeah keep larping as a tough guy dumb kiddo
Is your opinion on law based on Hollywood movies?
Literally can't imagine someone older than a highschooler to be as dumb as you are.
if you owe money or haven't paid taxes it means you committed a crime, so yes dumbass, they can throw you in jail until you pay back your debt
>they can throw you in jail until you pay back your debt
Yes retard you'll die old in a jail cell because the authorities can't get access to your crypto wallet. Please post more I haven't spotted someone this dumb in a while ;)
>the government is evil and wants to steal my money!!!!
>haha the government wouldn't just throw me in jail, they are good guys!!
lmao. imagine being this naive and ignorant. its ok, someday you will grow up
Nice reading comprehension, don't worry though it's a common problem for autists.
My point is that they can't lock you up FOREVER due to BASIC legal reasons.
But even now I doubt you'll understand me because at least five people already said the same thing in the thread and you're still as dumb as 30 minutes ago.
owing money isn't "basic legal reason" moron. If they know you have the money they will keep you forever. Even if they let you go, they will give you a fine, and if you don't pay that they will arrest you again and again and again. Imagine being this naive and stupid thinking you can escape the force of the law with meme coins
>give up those eferium private keys witeboi
wat do
What happened to the soii rhetoric of "torture doesn't work"?
>not also owning a gun
the others will have 2 guns
Yeah you shoot each other??
It works very fine if the victim is, in fact, in possession of the information that the torturer wants to get and it's easily verifiable.
It doesn't work if the victim does not have the information even if the torturer is somehow convinced he is. Then the victim starts very soon to make up whatever bullshit he thinks will appease the torturer.
Guis, I'm going to play swords after I just drank a liter of Coke. Anyone want to join in this gentlemen's contest?
>not have three guns
Pistols, Rifles, Shotguns, and AOWs DO have this quality in the de jure courts. The defacto corporate kangaroo racketeering foriegn nobility can convince you to agree to anything however even in violation of The organic Constitution. This is why they invent new words/meaning to describe old ideas.
Every 'defensive' or concealed position will lose after a given period.