Oldfag here. It's unironically over

oldfag here. It's unironically over.

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every day btc will lose 5 percent and BSV will gain 5 percent

>pajeet here, i bought the top of a pump and dump

Good job shit skin

So many Reddit fags can't into greentext

i wish bsv would stop mooning. im trying to accumulate

>can't into greentext
LMAO, go back to twitter, poofta

>what are perpetual pump patterns

fuck stop pumping you're making me feel like shit for missing out

are you all in on BSV yet?

old fag here
suck this cock

few weeks ago i shilled everyone to buy into crypto, especially and basically only BTC ("everything else is just a shitcoin, even ETH to some degree").

2 days ago i sent out an emergency WA to all those contacts to sell their BTC as soon as they can cause a Black Swan Event is forming.

I either advised them to cash out into Fiat and wait for the impeding marker meltdown or to buy into BSV cause its the real Bitcoin.

I will and cannot shill BTC to my normie world contacts any longer, CSW/BSV is a total gamechanger to the plan and an event no one had on the radar. Nothing personal Core Cucks, i was once on your team.

Remember when BCH pumped to 0.35 BTC? .... No? Nov 12th, 2017. Remember what happened after that? That's right.. it lost over 90% of its value to bitcoin. Fraudsters took YOUR Bitcoin. This same coordinated scam is now being executed with BSV.

You dont belong here

This, I remember the December 2017 BCH pump too. It coincided with a lot of flippening talk and a BTC sell-off. But most people here are either complete newfags from Reddit and Twitter or were not watching the price back then.

I remember this I unironically made a shit ton off that trade!

Sell your coins, newfag.





problem is that BSV is bitcoin.

Craig might even sue for the trademark ("bitcoin").
so btc would need to be renamed on every exchange from "bitcoin" to "bitcoin core". "bitcoin sv" would rename to "bitcoin" . the ticker symbols bsv/btc would likely stay unchanged. but still - this is not so far off to happen sometime within the next 12months.

It was due to the Coinbase listing you absolute brainlet, not because of market manipulation. It was the ultimate FOMO.

lol no im neither from reddit nor am i a pajeet you little retard. i just learned to format my shit before i post.

Yes yes, and the BSV pump from $60 to $100 was due to Craig filling a copyright paper, not because of market manipulation

>realTM bitcoin
>not even 1/10 of btc value

imagine being this deluded

more like the people observing BSV for a while understanding that he's very real.
How stupid do you have to be to register a fraudulent copyright? All these core-cucks arguments are either hear-say, overinflating tiny details or braindead stupid if you put the argument into closer inspection and ask "why?".

>How stupid do you have to be to register a fraudulent copyright?

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I remember the memes. Shit eas cash on biz with all the wojaks