Magine buying tron only to have this chink spend it on a lunch with warren buffet

>magine buying tron only to have this chink spend it on a lunch with warren buffet
scammed lmfao

Attached: download.jpg (183x275, 8K)

>imagine a company using investor's money to market in smart ways to bring awareness and adoption

I know I can't believe it

>taking a lunch with an old fossil close from his grave who has nothing to gain in changing the statu quo

TRX fags are even dumber than XRP fags.


>t. Linkfaggot

He should workout

Looks like good boipucci

Just need this fucking scam coin to hit $1.

imagine having lunch with jimmy buffet like 40 years after the song cheeseburger in paradise peaked. what a fucking idiot

Anyone else think Justin having lunch with Buffet is going to be a huge boon for crypto in general? I am not invested in tron or btt, but just having someone who can sit down and explain what exactly crypto IS to his ancient face might actually convince him that its a valid investment. As soon as Buffet endorses crypto you will see a flood of Boomers the likes of which you could never even dreamed of.

Its like a stupid insect that flies around you while you reading a book. You dont hate the insect (india). You only are stresded because he invades your space and brags about his ugly body in front of me until i throw the book onto it and kill it if it goes to far. So stay at your country, build it up, build an own Jow Forums and be proud when the moment comes some cringy us teens wanna be like you. You nearly did it with the bollywood hype where every cringeteen girl wanted to be india but idk you didnt use the hype then. I will enjoy it then to make holiday in your new cool country and learn YOUR culture, not a copy pasted culture.
>Its like a stupid insect that flies around you while you reading a book. You dont hate the insect (india). You only are stresded because he invades your space and brags about his ugly body in front of me until i throw the book onto it and kill it if it goes to far. So stay at your country, build it up, build an own Jow Forums and be proud when the moment comes some cringy us teens wanna be like you. You nearly did it with the bollywood hype where every cringeteen girl wanted to be india but idk you didnt use the hype then. I will enjoy it then to make holiday in your new cool country and learn YOUR culture, not a copy pasted culture.

i will laugh so hard if, after the lunch , he convinces warren buffet to basically become the next john macafee, and warren buffet starts shilling pump and dump chink scam coins. man what a timeline we live in.

>has lunch with buffet, who thinks crypto is a scam
>"no no crypto no scam, Tron is future"
>"so what does your crypto do?"
>"we make copy of crypto cat called crypto dog. i have very big news soon to tell, it will be amazing"

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If that chink is pretty good, Buffet will be bullish on Tron post-lunch.

How can ppl think this?

no, this is a disaster. of all the brilliant minds involved in crypto, we get represented to The Oracle by the cringiest fucking moron of them all. this is like when make-a-wish lets a kid run for a TD at an NFL scrimmage except this is real life. honk honk

Because Buffett clearly doesn’t understand crypto AT ALL. Im not saying Justin Sun is the best delegate, but at least he has a basic grasp of why crypto is valuable. As long as someone can explain what a smart contract is to that dinosaur, I would hope he would understand enough to have a “lightbulb” moment, and start to take crypto more seriously.

>boomer who thinks crypto is a get-rich quick scheme for prepubescent boys
>forced to eat a meal with Justin Sun because he had $4.5 million to blow
sorry user, i just don't see it happening

All Justin Sun has to do is tell Buffett what a smart contract is. Followed by the obligatory Tron shilling. Buffett fundamentally does not understand where crypto value comes from. If Justin can explain it to him well enough to get him to at least look into it, thats good enough for me.

>Implying you would be able to buy this type of publicity the traditional way

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Just not realistic. Buffet is gonna sniff out this broken English scammer from a mile away. Old man is probably very aware of the Chinese hustle.

He's playing you trx zealots so well. Pick the oldest round eye people for some reason look up to and promote it insufferably on twitter as if it'll mean anything to that dinosaur or his investor buddies.

Buffet is 88 years old, he don't give a fuk about what is what. Sun buy Buffet's shill for 4.5m $. Probably most expensive shill to date in crypto world

Attached: when i was your age blablabla.jpg (700x393, 70K)

Just shows that anyone can be bought!

LOLOL @ every faggot in here saying JUSTIN FUCKING SUN of TRON is the delegate to change WARREN FUCKING BUFFET'S mind that crypto isn't a scam

oohhhh the irony let us all cringe together!

lol the absolute state of crypto.

Buffet has really smart people working for him, believe he knows more about blockchain than 99% of the brainlets in this space and he will never going to work with chink criminals

I first heard of tron thanks to the news lmao
Not buying anyway