Indian American user here. I fucking made it

Cashed out half of my BSV for 450K. That’s all I need. Going to keep the rest once BSV reaches 10K. Then I’ll have 10M.

Let’s address all the incoming copes.

1. But you’re indian ew.

100% I look better than you. Autists like you almost always have ugly faces. I have a decent looking face and you know it.

2. You’re probably a virgin

WRONG. I’m currently dating a beautiful Swiss brunette. And no, not some fat chick or some ugly chick. I have extremely high standards and this girl has a perfect face. I don’t go for girls just because they have blonde or brown hair or blue eyes or whatever. Ugly fat chicks have that too. It’s about the face and the body and she’s perfect on both fronts.

3. You’ll never be as high status as a white guy

WRONG. It’s exactly the opposite. 99% of you will NEVER EVER make nearly enough money as me, enjoy a life as good as me, or date an ACTUAL hot girl (not some ugly 6/10 fat blonde woman with a dirty pussy that you can pretend is hot when telling your friends)

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nice reddit spacing fgt, kys

But your head is fucking huge.

All that Curry in it.

Geeze, inferiority complex much? And are you sure you aren't actually a Jew making all of this up?


Still not white

How short are you OP?

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Pee pee poop, I'm an Indian pajeet,
walking down the stairs, searching for the loo. Pee poop I shit on the street.

Smells like Larp but it it's you look good and gonna make it. The haircut lowers you by 1 to 2 points tough.

I would rather be poor and white than the richest man in the world with brown skin.

Why are india people so obsessed to brag in a india hating board? Cant they run an own board if they are so superior?


Why are white people so obsessed with hating Indians? Do they deep down inside know that their race isn't a factor in their failure/success and that despite all the advantages they have, they are still losers?

They arent. The india people invade our websites and country, not otherwise.

But you smell like Curry

So we are forced to. Leave us now i swear nobody comes to you to hate you. Leave us alone. Now. Please.

pajeet detected

needing to make this thread is cope

He made it with 450k.....


>450K rupees
Ugly, dumb, smelly and poor.
I would hate to be you Pajeet.

Its like a stupid insect that flies around you while you reading a book. You dont hate the insect (india). You only are stresded because he invades your space and brags about his ugly body in front of me until i throw the book onto it and kill it if it goes to far. So stay at your country, build it up, build an own Jow Forums and be proud when the moment comes some cringy us teens wanna be like you. You nearly did it with the bollywood hype where every cringeteen girl wanted to be india but idk you didnt use the hype then. I will enjoy it then to make holiday in your new cool country and learn YOUR culture, not a copy pasted culture.

Yet here you are seeking validation so badly. You haven't made it and never will

BSV confirmed pajeet coin

can I have one of those real bitcoins sir?
also, congrats on the sex

Everything written here is fiction and let me say, it's quite the opposite. You're a poor Indian with a fat white girlfriend, great moves Rakesh, you've played yourself.

nice afro!

Good for you that you made it, but you need to address your massive inferiority complex.

that's really pathetic, enjoy being a poor, white loser though. nobody gives a fuck about you

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