
>he doesnt know that the whole of the Netherlands is about to FOMO into their national exchange
>he doesnt know masternodes are getting onboarded
>he doesnt know the 1.1 update will revamp the whole UI and trade engine
>he doesnt know that holders of NEXT will receive part of the fees collected by the exchange
Ticker NEXT. Don't miss out.

Attached: 05987651.png (400x400, 14K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>the whole of the Netherlands
niggas, arabs, chinks and white homos

perfect bait. This target group is dumb enough to get lost on Binance and Idex, but greedy enough to give crypto a shot if easy enough

exactly lol, a lot of dutch normies bought the top last time and they will do the same here

got little over 1000 just for a shot

sell half at $6 let rest go to $20 easy pesy

You understand the market cap well, my friend

My bag is a bit bigger but def not selling untill the whole cap at least went over 20 MIL

The Netherlands has been big on crypto for years. And most of them aren't nearly dumb enough for such a low tier scam. It will probably bait some people on this board though. Good luck with the shilling.

This is far from a scam and you know it. Dutchfags in crypto are greedy and dumb

SAFEX got listed there, I would never touch SAFEX or that exchange never, SAFEX is diahrrea on the blockchain, sifilis herpes gonorrhea

Attached: 2655cp52.jpg (842x469, 132K)


Information got leaked that NextExchange are shit because they cannot integrate SAFEX scam into the exchange

Attached: D8JP8_TXsAAD6Cw.jpg (1080x649, 97K)

Perhaps they didnt want to integrate it because SAFEX ended up being useless low volume shit with retards holding it?

Try coming up with fresher FUD, Gary

literally does not say that

who is Gary?

Attached: Screenshot_25.jpg (721x355, 32K)

What's with pajeets trying to use the Netherlands to push their shitcoins?

Wat is dit? Ik zit al 3 jaar in kanker crypto en heb nog nooit van deze exchange gehoord. Zitter er mocros achter?

Stay away from SAFEX

Attached: Screenshot_26.jpg (674x287, 57K)

absolute state


wat een kanker crypto is dit ook, ik zit al sinds 2013 in crypto en alle altcoins zijn scams

no they won't

Mooi. Dan verspil ik hier verder geen aandacht aan. GAAT ZO STORMEN! JESUS IS BOOS.


Attached: D6LCuBrV4AAO8ui.jpg (900x1200, 137K)

Watch it do another x2 after it already did a x2.