Another dumb link thread

Thinking about how the project has unfolded so far, there are a few things that don't make sense:

>We have thousands of people lined up to run nodes
They launch mainnet with three nodes from established teams and then ask for feedback on who to have run nodes next

>We only get one chance to do mainnnet well and the people we work for won't be happy with a half baked solution
They never announce partnerships unless the partner announces first and then they maybe retweet

>Heavy hitter tech people drop constant hints and memes about being involved
They claim that the keynote for cloud expo 2019 hasn't been decided but that "the community" just happens to be demanding Sergey

This all looks like a blue chip software project getting astroturfed to look open and distributed

If that's true all of the following are also likely true:

Attached: threshold-sigatures-v1.png (1320x743, 837K)

>If that's true all of the following are also likely true:

its a shadowfork made by jason parser, sell asap

>If that's true all of the following are also likely true:
OP is fag





Chainlink doesn't really have customers (groups only looking to consume their stuff) and it doesn't really have partners (technology teams they need to get their stuff off the ground)
Chainlink has network participants

The team understands that the early network will be completely centralized and the main players are perfectly ok, even prefer that.

So how will we find out about those early partners? With splashy partnership announcements? Would that benefit anyone outside of retail investors?

Looking at it another way: if you were launching a first in world distributed network and you couldn't run all of the nodes yourself, who would you pick to run the complex, network critical nodes?
Probably the same people who offer cloud computing services...

>This all looks like a blue chip software project getting astroturfed to look open and distributed
So its the best investment in crypto then... gotcha.

You are a MANIAC

they realized there were clear security holes after discussing with a certain third party.

If I'm right expect the following:

>There will be no partnership announcements ever
>The first recognition of partners will be seeing their nodes up on the chainlink network
>This will coincide with them releasing customer facing education materials about the benefits of smart contracts
>The first real iteration of the network will be what Sergey said: automated insurance and derivatives using data and api providers who already trust one another
>The staking aspect of the network will serve as a barrier to entry for the first period of time (?years) to ensure that everyone acts right and doesn't taint the reputation of smart contracts
>Once data derivatives (our three data points can be used to abstract what this bond rate, rainfall percentage etc. is) become commoditized on the network, the floodgates truly open
>Those of you thinking chainlink is going to make you rich by paying you for neet nodes are dead wrong; chainlink is going to make you rich because over the next few years 1 link will become the USD equivalent of 100mm standard API calls, 10mm bank transfers or the execution costs of 1mm highly complex, multi input/output, smart contracts

So you think holding link longterm is the best strategy? As opposed to staking them?

sounds like I should buy more link

your initial post read incredibly bearish. Came full circle

Price for brainlet plz

Link has become the new REQ. We will be at $0.10 eoy. Remember all those larps before req mainnet? Well, we had the exact same thing with link.

If you ZOG fuckers want me to sell pump it to 2$ and I'll cash out. Otherwise I'm not selling.

you are right. they are not gonna announce every user of the network as partners. that doesn’t make fucking sense. users are just gonna use it

Checked and kekked

Great stuff user. But remember: lowercase the "y" in you, and remember to add an exclamation point at the end

>The team understands that the early network will be completely centralized
Except it literally isn’t.
The three nodes are entirely independent.


I’ve been saying this since day 1. Early on all nodes will be heavily centralized. Maybe 20 years down the line neets will be able to stake somehow, but for the foreseeable future the way we’re gonna make money is just through appreciation of the price and not passive income

How did he know Jow Forums?

Attached: howdidheknow.png (1883x325, 65K)

Look at this faggit stealing

Attached: twittersteal.png (581x120, 15K)

He's always stealing posts, I noticed when he posted something I posted here before. Acts like he's so insightful but most of his stuff is copy paste.

Or maybe none of what you think is true? You ever think you possibly overvalued or more or less over estimated possible connections?


>20 years down the road

Good thread. I came to the same conclusions myself a while ago and frankly I'm happy that the real moon mission is a year away. All the pump chasing newfags got rekt and sold and now only the true marines get to make it.

Yeah a biz startup company is the 3rd party he’s talking about,.......fucking hell lmao

if there is no staking the token won't go anywhere. the only way for us to make money is when node operators hoard link for collateral, othrwise we are holding a funding/fee shitcoin

haha what a fucking fag
His whole twitter is so brainlet tier, one of the sadder shills/moonboys really. Imagine spending your time browsing biz, going omg I could get retweets for this, and jacking something someone wrote on the toilet and using it like it's amazing thought from their brainlet twitterfag mind.
Crypto Oracle is like the basic instagram bitch that always needs to post selfies. Literally everyone but the basic bitch and others doing the isntagram circle jerk look at them like they're sad people, and the same thing goes for these twitter shills.

coping this hard

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you could just go crazy and stake them longterm

Attached: 1516306892505.png (420x420, 15K)

hey retard likpool will release reputation in a few months, and coventry already marged the threshold signatures into master.

have sex

>ey retard likpool will release reputation in a few months
And no neets will be allowed through the KYC.

KYC is optional you homo

>"decentralized" KYC oracles

Attached: LOL.gif (350x193, 3.01M)

the reputation provider decides that. a reputation provider can decide whatever criteria for listing of nodes that it wants. reputation providers that want serious businesses to use nodes from their list, and thus justify being paid to provide listing/reputation to nodes, are obviously going to demand KYC.

You can go make your own NEET reputation provider without KYC and see how many jobs nodes listed with you get.

makes me so pissed I feel like making a twitter to put that motherfucker in his place

Plot twist

I sold half my stack at $1.10 and the rest is still up almost 4x from where I bought it thanks though

There's no such thing as a "reputation provider" you doofus. You're thinking of reputation contracts.
The client will specify what kind of reputation contract they want, and any listing service can offer a wide variety of them.
If the client wants KYC, they'll choose KYC.

And it all boils down to the same thing: KYC is optional.

There were always going to be players who REQUIRE KYC.
Imagine turning this option into fud, lmao.

One question... if Chainlink will get data through maybe 1-2 nodes (basically centralized) onto ethereum to trigger a smart contract that will go through thousands of nodes, what's the point? Why even use expensive, clunky ETH smart contracts in the first place when the end to end reliability is that of 1-2 nodes? If SWIFT runs a node for example, it can basically just do business as usual because they fundamentally still control the contract.

Have a read of some of his articles. They are excellent

i'll just eli5 this for you: ethereum is not the only chain that can be connected to api's using chainlink. eg: swift can connect to hyperledger (what is more likely). i agree that 2 nodes are not decentralized but this is still the first phase, more nodes will follow. also: dont believe the kyc fud, it is not embedded in the code so kyc is NOT a requirement to run a node, it simply is optional.

ETH transactions don't go through "thousands of nodes" you retard.
Only a couple of confirmations are needed.

>If SWIFT runs a node for example, it can basically just do business as usual because they fundamentally still control the contract.
End users can choose how many/few oracle nodes they want to use, yes.

Sorry satan and thanks :/

check em again as penitence
And make sure you stutterpost to show submissiveness.

What are you expecting, numbnuts? It has taken a decade for BTC to 7000x from under a dollar

Damn, someone really doesn't like the idea of decentralization.
Salty salty faggots.

Chainlink goes beyond crypto. It won't follow the same rules as other shitcoins that came before it. The team doesn't market to NEETs because the price doesn't matter. Only the tech does. If it succeeds, it's going to change the world in a huge way. There's no need to shill that to a bunch of crypto pajeets. Sergey only cares about selling the project to people that will actually have a use for it. People who realize this just need to be patient and hope things keep going as well as they have. It's nearly been two years but the project is still in its infancy and will take time to mature, but anyone who is able to ignore the inane shit posted here about it and see just how much attention it's getting can see just how big this could potentially be. Literal who projects are chomping at the bit to use chainlink. Chainlink has absorbed two other major oracles. Huge names are associated with the project and talk about it openly. The only people who can't see the potential of this project are shitcoin hoppig idiots who believe whatever is told to them and don't bother doing any research of their own.

>plagiarism is decentralization
Wew lad

As if Anonymous ID: hLxvn0fk (if that is even his real name) came up with any of that shit himself.
People have been tallying Link token worth from API call volume since before Chainlink had a Github.

>t. the_crypto_oracle

I don't buy it. This info is widely available. People much smarter and richer than us would be buying up all the Link if it were actually going to happen like biz hodlers think it will

You're overestimating even your fellow Jow Forumsfrens.
Earlier today there was a thread full of people who thought fiat prices weren't external data.

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