The singularity was real

>the singularity was real
>but it wasn't for ChainLink
*breathes in*

Attached: 696f28ef41987c24cd62172d1c9bf1ed.png (743x207, 14K)

Let me know when they make Bitcoin 3. I promise I'll buy earlier then

bought for $50
selling for $500
easiest $450 in my life

some fucker bought some for $50 a piece HAHAHAHAHAHHA

Big if true

>mfw it was probably me
>too drunk to care
>too new to not get scammed atleast once

Attached: tenor[1].gif (360x346, 170K)

Nigga you don goofed

I just bought the dip...

I wager $10k+ daily
don't care about the change i spend on this shit


No volume. Scam

ye hope the pajeets are not exit scamming for the change they gathered.

Sweet Vishnu those are some serious gains.

>188,314 USD Volume

do you want to own 51% of the supply of a shitcoin

haven't sold yet
>selling for $500
scratch that, $700 now each
I bought 4.5 for $50
not spending a cent more on this shitcoin.
Shouldn't have spend any $ to be honest, but fuck it I'm drunk.
For the memes

I bought an amount that I don't mind losing it... a literal gamble for fun.

bless the pajeets if they scam me out of $50
let em have buy a toilet

It's 3usd now

They'll spend it on curry instead of toilets, you know that right?

Attached: pajeetstatistics.jpg (624x351, 44K)

>mfw I went to 2 restaurants and 1 casino today and total tip I gave are 100+ euros
those god damn pajeets

Attached: latest[1].png (549x413, 93K)

>he doesn't know about the 40link sold for 9,999$ a pop a mere month ago