LINK is a strange one

LINK is a strange one.

When these link shills appeared after the first bullrun I assumed it was just another retarded bunch of HODLers like 'digimarines' or Bitbean fags.

The I checked back months later and they were still going even though the coin wasn't moving I assumed they must have been paid.

But they're STILL HERE after this coin has been going sideways for about two years.


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Guys who just made minimum 5x you faggot

We are LINK Marines

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fuck uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
let me see her bootie!!!

>he doesnt know
I feel bad for you bud

just dump it to 0.80
need to buy 500 more

i swing link

judge me

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thank you user

Nice toilet, subpar face.

my vishnu... the toliet on that her.... how many bitcon sv for a toliet cow like that.....

Yeah but the 'Digimarines' were only around for a couple of months and they did over 2000%.

LINKtards have been around for YEARS now and in that time they've done 77%.


Yeah specially who bought at 30 cents. 77%. Yeah. Go back to school

LINK is a strange one.

When these link shills appeared after the first bullrun I assumed it was just another retarded bunch of HODLers like 'digimarines' or Bitbean fags.

The I checked back months later and they were still going even though the coin wasn't moving I assumed they must have been paid.

But they're STILL HERE after this coin has been going sideways for about two years.


We're measuring in Sats.

The baseline is if you were holding BTC not USD.

Wait I just looked at the USD chart and it's DOWN compared to a year ago.

On 7th Jan 2018 it was $1.52

Yup welcome to idiots who bought late and don't realize that it's just going to retrace to 50 cents. Delusion

This pasta is great. We're still on the same journey we started two years ago anons jump on for glory.

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People who have invested in it and honestly believe in its potential.

The ones able to lurk. Lurk moar perpetual poorfag

I've been lurkin since ETH first started getting shilled.

So do you see where's the problem now? You're not made for this, you're here forever

fuck i will throw my 10000LINK into the garbage just to blow into her asshole

I'm here for the entertainment.

I trade, I don't 'invest' in shitcoins and cheer for them like I'm watching football.

>I'm here for the entertainment
Well I'm pretty sure you would've got all the entertainment in this world by picking an eth bag back in the days you know. Now proceed to miss also link, for what I care

Btw you missed a lot of entertainment by not lurking properly on link threads, the first year was a wild weaponized autism ride, like Jow Forums at its best. Do you think we're xrp/trx moonboys here? Think twice pretentious fuck, because you fell for the 'link is a meme' meme

A 5x from before the GBR is pathetic
I'm glad I went with COSS back then. It started being shilled on Jow Forums at the same time LINK was. COSS was 5 cents and pumped to like $3 without all the obsessive 24/7 spamming
I almost bought a LINK bag at the time, but the shilling tactics made me say "fuck that"
For all the times Linkies have mocked me for it, I'm only more convinced I didn't miss out on anything over time

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>sideways for two years
kys op you faggot discord tranny

you're just dunning kruger moron, you don't invest in anything

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why is her ass so fucking huge (in a good way)

If you can't spot the difference between legitimate excitement over a project and your run-of-the-mill shitcoin shilling then you will never make it.

Holy shit this is my cousin

Its natural selection user.


>I'm here for the entertainment.
The ultra omega cope of the eternally justed

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good one. upvoted.


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