Silver is hitting $600 an ounce in 6 months.
Boomer Rock General /BRG/
T. My ass.
Oh nice I was just about to start a thread to talk about silver this is my stack, it's so hard not to buy it right now for $14
That would be absolutely ridiculous, I would welcome it, as I only stack silver; gold just never had appeal to me.
do you have any info to back your claim? i own 4 shiny oz coins was thinking about getting more since i just sold all my crypto
I have never gotten silver based quarters when I get change from buying shit.
I live in an older district in America, if you hit up the old bodegas you're likely to get some of your change I also like to find old vending machines, pool hall, car washes,banks.
Do you have an explanation for this extraordinary claim of yours?
god I fucking wish
ive got 300 ounces of the junk
got it twice, felt pretty good. could tell almost immediately it was a silver quarter, the weight and sound just from receiving it.