Are you me? My chart from the last 2 years looks exactly the same.
>sell at $100k
>have a $90k 2 year long party
>use remaining $10k to rebuy your position months ago
Youre got more than me faggot.
Count your blessings before I start advocating for socialism.
should have bought link
excellent strategy sir well written good invest sir thank you
Mine also. Start date, peak value and current value nearly identical.
90k ATH
6k now
Thats a JUST my man
Why tf you didn't buy Link. I came to crypto shortly after the bubble pop and I made a 7x in that time
125k ATH
10k now
520k ATH
80k today, 50% my own money
>950k ATH
>60k now
2mil then.
200k now.
rode KCS, NEO and some other shit up to 90k
diversified into shitcoins at the top and road most of them down to 80%-90% losses
180k ATH
7k now
(ty ELIX)
Same ath and current value kek
>50% my own money
it's like, I'm up, but I don't feel that up yet.
Small time. I did manage to cash out enough though and havent had a job since 2017. Its good
how the fuck do you guys not see it dumping and drop immediately? that blows my mind. i know that i'm greedy but if i ever get to a point where i'm staring at 5 times more money than i've had in my entire life i'm cashing out without question
My goodness user, what happened?
wtf..How much did u cash out?
Everyone was talking about 100k eoy
>he didn't go all in on link
>that massive, sharp dump
pls tell me this was you cashing out
I remember reading a story on reddit where a guy bought 1000 Neo at $200 and put them in a trust for his kids when they turned 18
ohhhh noo noo noo noooo
>yfw Neo goes to 10k and he was right after all
Took never sell at a loss a little too much at heart.
Nah, it was all following the memes from Jow Forums and plebbit. Like how Jow Forums shilled antshares, reddcoin, all that other shit.
Enough to live on for a bit and write the government a nice fat check.
This time around I don't think we are gonna be able to buy any old shitcoin and make gains. Youre gonna really have to follow the shills and memes now. Im liking FTM this time around
>130k ath
>~19k current
i see your JUST and raise you a slightly bigger JUST