How do I turn 400 ethers into 1500
How do I turn 400 ethers into 1500
Swinging link maybe
go all in qnt
Warms my hear that my wife Rui continues to be relevant
>enjoying when anons post your waifu
What are you, a literal cuck?
>not buying TRUE for 61% cheaper than other exchanges
>Doesn't know how to use real decentralized IDEXs
> Not shorting OKeX
Based and chadpilled
just sold 100k
Unironically this or mantic op
Dropped 8 eth
made .1 btc thanks
Kek as a neet I like this
sell this pump, buy lower.
OWO thanks anonsan!!!! *meep* just made 2 eth because of you
scam. don't fall for this retards trap.
I tested this with .1 eth, and its a separate chain.
i thought that too at first but its legit
you're a fucking faggot.
and reek of discord.
stay poor rajesh its a good arbitrage opportunity
what kind of asset worth 1.00 only has 49 holders?
its not legit you retard.
this is the real truechain
Heck. it made me money
KYS, scamming scum.
I hope you die in a sewer.
its just lowkey right now you can expect 100x eom google it
you say that but its not a scam
it is a scam, how is a contract with 200 billion tokens going to convert to a coin with a main net supply of 100 Million? It can't you fucking brainlet, its a fucking scam retard, simple mathematics.
>being this much of a brainlet
retardo topkek
you fucking idiot, this is the real True token (pre-main net) Etherdelta address.
suck a dick you shill, you're probably in on this retarded heist too.
fucking moron.
Kill yourself
Get out of my thread scammer human trash
Wait till BTC crashes to 3k again.
define scam