Yeah so umm I want to errrrr appeal to cucks all the while pretending to do something revolutionary
How to duplicate this business model?
iToddlers BTFO
>have money
>want functional and high quality computing
>busy so don't want to nerd-out
>not buying apple
Are you poor?
you are poor only if you buy apple
brain poor
enjoy poverty then
So this ist just a thing to put your screen, or iPad or whatever on for 999?
I refuse to belive that people are that braindead.
you only buy apple if you 1) dont know what a computer is 2) dont know you can play video games on a computer 3) dont know how to program 4) never learned how to use a keyboard 5) none of the above, you only need art programs and facebook
>viedo-game playing poorfag pseudo-nerd cope
Thank fuck I'm all those things and not like you.
t. Graphic designer (full time) & music producer (hobby).
desu all smart phones look like the monolith and everybody on earth has a smart phone. a more apt comparison.
itt: sour grapes
3/10 bait
u r gay
retard cope
>confuses specific technical knowledge with intelligence
are there people who unironically don't know how to operate windows computers? since 7, it's been "plug respective cables into power outlet" - "press power button". are there less cables on macs or something? how the fuck do you retards even turn on your car, or do you not know how to drive, pay some guy to drive you around and hide your incompetence behind claims driving is for poor people? losers...
3) shouldn't be on there. mac beats wangblows hands down for programming. i use linux because i'm a poorfag who fell for Jow Forums memes but if i had fuck you money and wasn't concerned about
>absolutely proprietary
i'd probably get a macbook.
windows is disgusting pajeetware, i honestly don't know how anyone tolerates it.
i have to use windows 10 a couple of weeks ago for work and it felt like getting pozzed
Windows is absolutely garbage in terms of UI, it's bloated as fuck too and full on spyware.
Apple are greedy jews but macOS is an absolutely top tier operating system in terms of ergonomics, I wish there was a linux distro simply copying it, KDE/Gnome/Unity are simply trash, even worse than shitdows.
Get really good at manufacturing something unique. Do you have Netflix? There's a series on there about amazing British homes and there's one couple in Season 2 who were just good at steam-bending wood. They started off as small entrepreneurs and then they started getting massive orders because they could turn wood into all kinds of shapes for designers, corporations, etc. They even built a house with their product.
You need to have the technical skill to create something that people will go
>Oh that's neat
>I want it
>It's exclusive?