fuuuuuuuck you 100 years , I'm never eating at an Indian restaurant again
Fuuuuuuuck you 100 years , I'm never eating at an Indian restaurant again
This will save crypto
India has pulled some retarded shit with cryptocurrency in the past year
The Bank of India made everyone sign some document that made them promise they wouldn't buy or sell any
>Send the last smart guys in jail.
>Pay all the overfilled jails now.
You liers said india will be superpower soon hahahaha
>Jow Forums will be banned in india
oh please yes
>bitcointalk and Jow Forums back to their old selves
>and nothing of value was lost
Lol, India striving to go backwards back to the medieval ages. They will lose out on the rest of the world.
Will /ourjeet/ please do a video on this.
God willing
omg this!
/we made it/
Why hating India so much? Is this Pakistani forum?
Friendship with Sanjoy is over. Ahmed is my best friend now. Fuck off.
Is it time to leave Matic at this point?
No you retard. This is the Anglo Saxon racist living in my mom’s basement forum!
Pretty much all the matic developers would have to leave the project as they would be classed as criminals
hindu go make cow worship
This will only help crypto
Prohibition anyone?
Dumbass pajeets just set themselves back another 25 years.