LINK $1k

>LINK $1k
>Sergey richest person on Earth
>Suddenly EVERYTHING changes
>"Sergey I thought you were different?!"
>"Sergey why are you so evil?"
>Sergey is assasinating political leaders through the DAM(Decentralised Assassination Market)
>Sergey is causing massive havoc with the help of the DTEM(Decentralised Terroristic Event Market)
>Suddenly Sergey is controlling the whole world through AI, robot armies and smartcontracts
>Every single person worshipping his FAT body, not because they want to, but because they have to(otherwise Sergey sits on them)

Make no mistake this man is a PSYCHOPATH! DO NOT BUY LINK!

Attached: scammer.jpg (421x441, 47K)

i for one welcome our new Big Mac overlord.

How can a man be so based?

We can’t let linkies win. Period

>Dr. Rory? I'm MANIAC

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Don't you guys see? Once this hits a certain price the smart contracts instead the link tokens activate allowing Sergey to confiscate all of your coins. This was the plan from the very beginning, it's even in the white paper but no one reads it.

I will have the nuclear codes.

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>Sergey named chancellor of Decentralized States of America

Adolf Hitlers grand son is going to save the world and bring humanity to Mars. Hail Sergey


Every subhuman no-linker cattle WILL pray before the McAltar of Sergey, or risk having their entire extended family wiped out by automated smart contract activated flying McDeath drones

Fuck, I just realized this things could actually be possible through decentralization.

any more possible predictions of the incoming technocracy that's upon us?
>Sergey is assasinating political leaders through the DAM(Decentralised Assassination Market)
>Sergey is causing massive havoc with the help of the DTEM(Decentralised Terroristic Event Market)

>Mr. Sergey, so are you. You're like in every thread.

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It would be hard to verify someone's dead/alive status through apis alone. Rhombuses jury method actually works better in this scenario imo.

He said he will be back one day. I welcome Him.

Attached: sergeynazi.jpg (2200x924, 429K)


>nobody knows about the Paul Leroux and Sergey Nazarov connection
Why do you think the "coding" has taken so long? Because the Chainlink Network isn't the priority. The DAM and the DTEM is the priority. It all started when Sergey met Paul Le Roux. You see Sergey was in the business of drug trafficking, human trafficking, arms trafficking etc. Then he collaborated with Paul to first create Bitcoin((S)atoshi (N)akamoto = (S)ergey (N)azarov). Then when he learned about smartcontracts he got the main idea. Think about it. Why is there absolutely NOTHING known about Sergey? He probably worked at the CIA.

Anyway, the DAM and the DTEM will soon be completed and then Sergey will release the REAL mainnet. It's going to be absolutely AWFUL for EVERYBODY on this planet.

>pic related
can you see the connection?

Attached: sergeypaulconnection.png (1280x1000, 1.36M)

>mfw meeting with the future philosopher king of the planet earth and future father of the future emperor of our entire solar system
Just as planned....

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>hard to verify political leaders deaths
Simple news API and social media. Sergey will create $100m bounties where the political leaders are killed infront of millions of people so the death would be easily verified.

Attached: sergeychess.jpg (642x690, 58K)

Read "The Sovereign Individual" and prepare before it's too late(you literally only have 2 more years before it all starts).

Attached: thesovereignindividual.jpg (1399x2147, 211K)

News and social media apis don't have a true/false flag for someones death. You could try to feed articles through some algorithm to try to guess whether the person is dead or alive. You could query obituaries, morgues, or even publically available tax data. Those however can all be gamed. And when you have a giant bounty of 10million that requires you to do something illegal in order to get it, it's much easier just to game the inputs. It's probably safer to code it like "x must be dead for 30 days straight, then pay out" to minimize shenanigans.

Accumulate more at these prices.

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chip measuring heartbeat

It's going to be the algorithm analyzing social media and the news for yes about 30 days or even more. At least 1000s of nodes with the same algorithm in a sense that all the nodes will get the same results with the same algorithm so it would be very clear if some node is acting malicously. Basically if a person can know if someone is dead, then so can AI/algorithms.

Also the nodes might not even know on what contract they are giving data to. The nodes will be just providing data from the news without knowing about any algorithm or that the contract is an assasination contract. The computation with the algorithm parsing through the data will all be private.

nice bought 100k
might as well side with the winner.

Did you know he is the only living heir to the russian throne? Look it up.

Underrated post

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Big Mac

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Cool Sergey memes have honestly become my favorite. For a while it was the pee pee poo poo memes but these are so en vogue.