Quant Network + Central Bank of Italy

“So what we’ve done is instead of just announcing one client and one thing, we’re announcing that we’re working with SIA. So, SIA is leading European payment infrastructure. And what we’re doing with SIA is interconnecting blockchain networks with SIA, and doing settlements, which are central bank settlements, with the central bank in Italy. So what Overledger is doing is we’re actually bringing blockchain and interoperability to all of SIA’s clients, which are 580 banks. So, Overledger could be rolled out to all these institutions, financial services, banks, at scale, and have interoperability to get the benefits of this.”


Watch the interview from Money 20/20, just released (start at about 3 minutes):


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Other urls found in this thread:


Dear ChainLink holders.
I was once one of you, believing in the 1000$ meme.

I'm telling you, this is it.
This is the REAL 1000$ EOY meme coming through right before your eyes.
Face it, you missed BTC, you missed ETH, don't fucking miss QNT.

It's basically only available on IDEX now so brainlets can't buy it, but when this shit hits better exchanges (probably already next week) there will be fucking fireworks.

LINK has mooned already, this is only at 30M mCap.

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Yeah sure, the EU working with some shitcoin.

Lol you fuddets are starting to just sound dumb.

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If you're not convinced at this point, this message/thread is not for you.

"Some shitcoin".
STAY REKT FUCKING FAGGOT we're going to 1000$.

>only available on IDEX
>its an ERC-20 token.

>not gnoing what the blockchain observatory forum is
>not gnoing INATBA

I have 30k QNT

I'm going to be a multi millionaire aren't I?

Quanties think they are the next TCP/IP to rule the world, yet a proprietary software that you need to pay a license fee for will never be a global international standard.

They think Chainlink can't connect blockchains together... but it can and so can so many other protocols with much more determinism, less trust, and cheaper.

The whole point in using a decentralized backend like a blockchain is to get deterministic services, yet they think using a trusted software to run all your transactions through is logical. In fact, it ruins the entire value proposition.

They think of themselves as the blockchain of all blockchains yet it's proprietary software and you need to pay a license to use. Again, it doesn't make sense to use proprietary software to leverage decentralized backends.

There is also a major problem in their tokenomics model. There is no way of actually knowing how the token is used since everything is negotiated behind closed doors. They say you have to hold it to get a license fee, but how can anyone prove it? They say you pay to sign data like transaction fee but no one can prove that either. There are no on-chain metrics to prove anything unlike all other protocols. For all we know they could be doing a freemium model with these companies to test out to see if they like it.

Then don’t get me started about Shillbert always hyping up the coin and nothing to show. There is zero transparency about what is actually going on since the whole project is not an open protocol. They should just be an STO and it would make a lot more sense.

Yes you are, my friend.

An ERC-20 token that's being used to unlock the blockchain OS OverLedger, which the FUCKING CENTRAL BANK OF ITALY IS USING TO SETTLE PAYMENTS.

Buy now or fucking KYS when we go to 1000$+

Dude I have just BTFO'd the exact same copypasta you posted in another Quant thread which you failed to reply to. I can repost all the same retorts again if you like so you can disappear from this thread too?

I remember this thread as well, it's literally word for word, how sad!

Only if you sell too early

The EU is working with Gilbert, so why not?

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Lets reveal who this is...

Attached: CL.png (876x1080, 104K)

You did nothing but offer excuses.

Here's the plan:
>hold, wait for Gateways
>host gateway
>get paid to chill
>sell QNT in chunks after halving
>enjoy your multigenerational wealth, you'd be worth tens of millions.

Yep, I got lucky I bought before the SIA ann. Turns out you dont need too much DD for Quant because Gartner, TechNation, and Lorca already did it for you.

Accept that you got btfo'd and that's why you didn't respond. And because of that your attempt at FUD actually made Quant look even better. I'd suggest stopping the copypasta unless you want to continue making Quant look even more appealing.

So fucking Quamfy.

How did you BTFO me? You answered none of my questions and were just side stepping them. Hope you enjoy when Shillbert fucks you guys over.

Italian central bank

Yeah i got lucky too. I got in on Monday.

Exactly my thoughts. We need Quant to fail in order for crypto to succeed.

Soon $100?

Quant will push the adoption of btc and eth

It might kill projects like aion and wan but they were just scams anyway

After the SIA news, I am really having trouble understanding how the fuck someone could actually believe:
A) Quant is a scam
B) Gilbert Verdian is lying
C) QNT won't be $1000+

Yes. We are holding a significant % of this entire market cycle's leading project.

We really are talking about /generational wealth/.

If QNT matches XRP's peak market cap it would be $15,000.

$100 and $1000 are certainties.

FUCK BRO. Hope you will save some Pussy for us in the future.

All Quant does is connect blockxhains, so what chain are these 500 banks already on hrmmm? This is only big for qunat if these institutions are currently using a block chain. Well I'd buy that chains token before this...plus they aren't even using Quant their announcement said they EXPLORING

"The agreement aims to INTEGRATE the #SIAchain infrastructure into Quant Network’s blockchain operating system Overledger."


You FUD will not last long.
Stay Poor. Enjoy crippling poverty faggot.

Please read up on Quant or neck yourself in a month mate, it's for your own good.
Quant isn't a blockchain, but needs QNT tokens to operate.

Do your homework and be well well well rewarded for it.

500+ banks, still cant even get back to previous ATH.

You can wait and buy higher, that's fine by me.

You have no idea how the token is used. Everything is up to Shillbert. My guess a freemium model for exploration. No actual usage yet.

QNT is locked to get an access key. mApp transactions need to be encrypted & signed locally using the key to enforce confidentiality & integrity. Each mApp gets its own key. QNT pays for transactions & computation, and serves as an anti-DDOS mechanism. A minimum hold is required.

Jesus some of you guys in here are either straight up retarded or you sold the bottom..probably both.
This SIA integration is the biggest crypto partnership ever pulled off. This is the start of what real adoption looks like.
Fuck, even if you dont like Quant or what they're doing this is massive for crypto as a whole. No one else has been able to pull this off.

lmao dude maybe get listed on a fucking exchange first, have a working product and join us in the top 30 before making your nigger IQ known to the world like this

pic related lmao your project is a joke

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Yes I do.
It's you that has no idea how the token is used.

Stop shitting up this thread and start seeing the light, you absolute mongoloid. You'll thank me later for this.

>chainlink building swift's psd2 and iso 20022 platform is less than this worthless partnership
maybe one day you won't be retarded

Yeah this was pretty dumb but he was open and honest about it roghr away. Also i dont really care about tech or team really. All that matters to me is $$$. I got in on this shit on Monday and im pretty happy.

Prove it? There are no on-chain metrics to prove any of this. They are just proposing it right now. Al negotiations are done behind the scenes so knowing any of the actual costs is impossible.

Yes it is.
The italian central bank is literally settling payments using OverLedger.

Just realize you still have time to bet on a horse that has a gorillion times more room to grow than ChainLink.

1000$ EOY isn't a meme when it comes to Quant.

Retarded move, but he's human. Shit happens.
Imagine missing out on the unicorn of the century just because the founder got scammed once.

Fucking kek.

TC/307 is the global international blockchain standard, Overledger is an implementation of it.

Why overly complicate a fully-decentralized network of Corda + enterprise Ethereum nodes like SIAchain have with their 580 banks and commercial enterprises, these banks are all known actors within the fully decentralized network - and national laws hold them to account.

ChainLink's solution is tailored to the wild-west where Craig Wright's user shark-pool is openly welcome to join a network. Consortium chains, where the real big bucks lie, are fire-walled behind closed networks. This isn't a zero sum game user, both solutions have their merits. ChainLink isn't connected to Corda, Hyperledger, JPM Quorum, IOTA, EOS, Bitcoin and Ripple.

> They think of themselves as the blockchain of all blockchains yet it's proprietary software and you need to pay a license to use.

The enterprise license is a service license, it comes with up-time guarantees, levels of support and a degree of customisability and a stack of tools to assist the client. It's not just a github repo you've got to fumble in the dark with.

> There is no way of actually knowing how the token is used since everything is negotiated behind closed doors.

The team will reveal a "pulse of Overledger" revealing network utilization metrics, without revealing client details - like other blockchain projects. The treasury went live like a month ago, with their first clients. It's still very early days. Where is ChainLink's dashboard?

> Then don’t get me started about Shillbert always hyping up the coin and nothing to show.

SIA is a big something to show: twitter.com/SIA_pressoffice/status/1136274197280305152

Its not a case of Quant vs Chainlink man stop with that stupid shit..there's room for everything here. Adoption benefits everyone out there. Plus Chainlink is already at a 400 mil market cap while Quant is only 30 mil..Whats really got more room for growth here?

I am unironically going balls deep in QNT.

Them getting scammed was some dumb shit but people acting like it was Gilbert himself that sent the eth over. At least they were honest enough to come out and admit what happened. Shit happens..People dont even give a fuck about it any more, they more than made up for it with the news

Dude they're a freakin' startup with 5 devs, and hiring more. They're focussed on solutions delivery not keeping crypto kids happy. It's coming... Priority clients, then crypto kids. This is not AION or something where they build the dashboard first then look for clients. baka.



Hold Quant as if it were LINK.
This time the 1000 EOY is actually coming true.

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smart move fren

Quant is useless. The only thing that interests me in quant is their stock.


Retard alert.


QNT tokens are locked to get an access key. mApp transactions need to be encrypted & signed locally using the key to enforce confidentiality & integrity. Each mApp gets its own key. QNT pays for transactions & computation, and serves as an anti-DDOS mechanism. A minimum hold is required.

You cannot use overledger with out QNT

The Italian central bank is going to use overledger

its that simple

every transaction will need QNT

Seriously, this is so fucking easy

lol the FUD is weakening by the hour..you might need to draw these retards a diagram

Getting pathetic.
This might be the last 1000x and I'm all in.
Making it feels good, but being right feels even better.
All those times I was FUDed by others, but held strong and kept accumulating.

Finally fucking vindicated.

You realize that Chainlink is connected to all those chains using external adapters... you did do your research user right...

You realize that ChainLink is at 440 million mCap and Quant is at 30, with proven usage and way way way more utility.
Besides, they aren't even direct competitors.

You did do your research right?

Proven usage?? Can you show me the on-chain stats? How many coins are they staking? How many coins are being used per transaction?

Also they are competitors because they are both interop protocols. One is trustless, one is trusted

A dashboard to show these stats is being built as we speak

Just fomo'ed in on idex, had to sell some dead shitcoins for it. At a marketcap of 35 mil. with these kind of news, its probably the most undervalued project out there. If quant gets listed on a bigger exchange, it could go parabolic.

Read the fucking link, brainlet.
Quant isn't a scam.
Gilbert is not a liar.
Italian Central Bank is using Overledger.
Overledger needs QNT tokens.
There are only going to be 14m QNT tokens ever.´They are valued at 3,5$ right now.
You have a chance to buy this token on IDEX before shit hits the fan.

If you're not buying this you're fucking retarded.
This is the 1000$ EOY meme coming true, and you're missing out because you're worshipping a fat big mac eating blue shirt.

Face it, QNT has WAY more room for growth than ChainLink does right now. It's a fact.

lol this faggot demanding financial statements..chill out bro

Overledger doesn't need quant token, it could easily be designed to work without it. This is like microsoft telling users they need to buy erc-20 msf coin and spend it every time they log in to verify their ownership and pay for use. Rediculous

I think some of you are just getting bogged down here

are you trying to make money or not?

a token with a 30m marketcap is looking like it will be used by central banks

Is this not the perfect thing to speculate on before all the idiots on reddit and twitter catch on?

it doesnt fucking matter

it has a token

unless the token utility paper is a lie (which was released publically)

why do you care, you get to speculate on this on idex before the big guys get in

I didn't say it was a scam but your guys valuations and understandings of the project need to be held in check. Even if they show some activity they will not show token usage or per transaction fees. You guys are going to be quite disappointed in Quant as they keep shit hidden and become an STO later on.

This. It's going to become an STO. Screencap this

The FUD has reached new levels of retardation, I see.

complete rubbish

So if they start showing how much is staked and transaction fees then are other companies not going to try to negotiate to lower prices. It's going to create problem with negotiating which is why they will never release much.

so you assume the worst?

Why would they need to release?
All we need to know is how many tokens is locked up, not who locked them up.
I don't give two shits if I know who uses it or not, as long as someone uses it. And they will use it.

>Team locks up own tokens
>muh adoption!

Are you really trying to make this argument?

>Overledger doesn't need quant token, it could easily be designed to work without it. This is like microsoft telling users they need to buy

and you know how users access their microsoft operating system / products? with a mother fuckin license, yea those thick shits - they could be using trustless unix, but they pay to use trusted software with a mother fuckin license

You realize they have a HUGE incentive to just do it the way they're saying they're going to do it, right? And absolutely no incentive not to do it. If Quant hits $1bn+ their 4 million QNT in team holdings could be worth half a billion dollars.

The FUD seems to have dissolved into imagining scenarios where Quant would intentionally fuck themselves over, and then claiming it's a possibility they'd do it, even though it would be stupid and make them lose money for no particular reason.

Protip: This tokenomics model benefits them just as much as anyone else. But if they win, so do other QNT holders.

Wrooooooong. QNT is going to be used as part of the signing and data verification process. It's a decentralized immutable utility token. This is the kind of thing they're useful for.

what really has more room to grow? link because it's not shit.

>implying Quant is shit

Oh no it's retarded.

>18 posts by this ID

Quantfags need help.

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