stupidity level: redditor edition
How does Jow Forums store their private keys?
Other urls found in this thread:
i post my private keys on Jow Forums
bitcoin_wallet_private_key.txt on desktop
Caesar cipher in the bush is a good idea though?
Michael Schofield tier
no cesar is broken within 30 seconds tops
use bip38 it uses scrypt takes about 5 seconds to try a single password with a 20+char phrase it takes at lease 900 quintillion years with the entire hashpower of nicehash to put a dent on it.
I just remember them
shamir secret sharing:
private key split into 2 out of 3 parts, spread to a few physical locations and the cloud
Looks nice
This, but on a flash drive.
What is a private key? I only have the password recreation phrases written on a card for my hardware wallets
Private key in plain text BUT the 25th custom word should be obtained by solving a riddle involving known personalities from my own town, is written in my own dialect and salted with my custom method
Get on my level negers
yeah anyone can do with n of n secret sharing with any crpytographic hash function, but solid general purpose n of m is more tricky.
never write down your seed you mongrel!
I meant *seed
i think this is really smart, brainwallet method. ONLY issue is
>what if one day car accident/memory loss
this desu, waruso isn't going down so it's pretty safe storage
formerly chuck's
if that's the case how will you remember what crypto is or that you have any
>memory loss
i know 32 bytes by memory
if ever I have a car accident i’m pretty sure I will forget how to speak my native language but still remember my 32bytes (fortuna pnrg, no stupid things)
Same. Keep a copy in my email and on the blockchain as well.
>Biz thinks they are so much smarter than reddit and normies
>biz doesn’t understand basic concepts like sandboxed metamask app or ecdsa signatures
Stop acting superior you arent
i found this a single html file more practical for people that don't want to deal with python and shit
you can put it beside your offline wallet generators.
You have to go back
only downside is the hex parts are quiet huge.
These, but in a folder labeled "Crypto Crap"
lol I'm a redditor I'm aware of how stupid I am i don't need to be told. just LARPing since that's the meta here
Would this all fit under an average sized, male bush area?
I gmailed it to myself.
Sadly in that case we're all fucked, I mean, you could even forget that you hold crypto all together, or we're you stored your private key/seed/instructions and so on. It's the risk to take if you want to go trustless, otherwise share the thing with two close family members
There are many creative ways to store private keys in a way that you can recover them even if all of your property and any possible bank vaults get lost, but they may require some programming experience
Oh, you can also store a private key in a way that NOBODY will figure out it's a private key
Just write it into a .txt file and name it "not a private key".
Hidden in plain sight.
agreed, could even go down the route of steganography (doing what you said but electronically)
CZ keeps my funds safu for me so I don't have to remember any dumb complicated pass phrase or worry about losing it.
I have like 20 shitcoins, my only security measure is a password protected pdf file saved in a few places (pendrive, sdcard, trusty hd103sj,etc)
Based. Holding your own keys is too centralized. By decentralizing the money from the person who owns it you create a more robust system
I wrote the key in a text file which i put into a folder named ”Internet explorer”. I then changed the icon of the folder to the internet explorer icon so now when the hackers come they wont open it because they think its useless internet explorer xD
by the time my shitcoins are worth anything I'll be ready to exit the market, so just keep it all on the exchange who fucking cares. Nobody is going after erc20 alt shit anyways