Not a single good redacted thread on here today

> Others were not so convinced of Musk's plan, which lacked important details like how the company would handle insurance for its robo-taxi fleet.

Has anyone else put this together? It's pure speculation but it's something I've had on my mind for some time. It just fits perfectly. Wanted to hear other anons thoughts on this.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Again this is pure speculation. I currently don't have evidence of any link between Tesla and ChainLink.

> it's all so tiresome

>mfw Lord Sergey's galatic level NDA's are preventing Elon from explaining his business plan to anyone, including his increasingly nervous investors

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"analyst" in other words paid researcher = TSLA to the moon. TSLA = 5k+ in the next 10 years.

too many newfriends to have actual threads anymore

Attitude of a loser

I think it's pretty far fetched but if I remember right there has been a developer from Tesla who appeared on pivotal.

Also, there is who has made some contributions to chainlink

Literally who???

Exactly, but still a dot

Musk is a crypto-jew from (((South Africa))), Intelligence front; no different than Bozos, Thiel, Suckerberg

Bonilla made a commit or two. Not much else to connect them. Maybe something maybe nothing. Could be friends with one of the devs, thought the project was interesting, wanted some experience in building a network for something TSLA related, wanted smart contract/blockchain experience for personal project or next job, etc. Too many possibilities and there's far more convincing crumbs in other places.

>busybodies blocking technological advancement with their stupid shit
Yeah sounds about right. China deserves to win.

You faggots and your dots. Ima make soup

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How do I attain that look?
Pretty weird jumping from ml stuff to Blockchain adapters. But still it's almost nothing like that guy from Microsoft. I bet Sergey asked them or even payed them just to play us

Just bee yourself bro

But, I just don't gain fat and definitely not in my face. I've been living on bicmacs the last two years

there's no real evidence of Link partnering with any real company that has users. They are not a swift partner, though they try really hard to make it appear like they do through sibos and other BS and it fools the brainlets here.

link doesn't need 'partnerships' like gook scam coins.

it needs companies using it.

major difference between the two.

Op here. So I did some digging and came to here:

> In Hong Kong, Tesla is partnering with AXA General Insurance and in Australia, the automaker released its new plan with QBE Insurance.

Ring ring ring. I knew I that sounded familiar.

> Smart contracts can also be used for automatic insurance discounts, such as health discounts based on biometric data or car insurance discounts based off driving metrics. While more complex models will take time to develop, simple models like those devised for travel insurance are already available, such as Fizzy, developed by AXA.

From the blog today. Now this doesn't prove anything. Perhaps Adelyn is smart as fuck and leading us nowhere.

There are crumbs between AXA and link. Pic related from way back. They definitely at least had a PoC. Sony and AXA both currently have identifiers in their profiles as well here.

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I made the cumed

Based and crumbpilled


bump again... is this board dead or what? linkies get in here.

I saw Elon feeding Sergey a BigMac during a pride parade by the bay. It was cute

Those images are old news.

It’s all so tiresome fren. We know, we’re just out here waiting. My real life starts when LINK hits $50, until then all we can do is accumulate.

> No contracts created
> Oh hai AXA and Sony wanna into smart contracts?
> Just let me sign you up
> All do e now you can make anything you like try it out
> Go on try it out
> Go on try it
> Go on try
> Go on
> Go

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2017 hopium

What's your exit plan?


Elons a lunatic, the company I work for (insurance) does some work with him. Teslas are unbelievably expensive to insure (repair parts mainly) so Tesla actually subsidizes insurance for their cars so people won’t be put off the purchase decision due to 2k/month insurance. He could basically decide to self insure the taxis, which is my guess as to what he’ll do until some carrier wants to stick their feet in the fire.

Think agile iteration; it’ll be self insurance as a MVP until they can get an insurance co to do it cheaper or realize link/tech could help them. Not yet is my bet.

it's chainlink and insurance would just be the beginning
imagine the amount of profit they could make from their API once every faggot drives a tesla

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