When does it get better?

when does it get better?

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when you get better

It doesn’t

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When you die

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It hurts real bad today for me too user

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the point of life is to MAKE IT BETTER yourself by sheer force of your will

yes its fucking hard
but it is rewarding
and you will die satisfied

When link moons and you make a friend


not gonna lie, the only way to do it is through diet and exercise. i'm talking perfection. sustained discipline over ungodly lengths of time. the delayed gratification will build and build and build until you don't even need to cash it in. because you've already made it. self respect is the only currency worth accumulating. I know you won't follow this advice, but if you did it would get better. but I know for a fact that you won't. see you tomorrow, user.

>he thinks it gets better

statistically, you will not make it. nobody will even remember you even existed.

hope that helps.

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>not gonna lie, the only way to do it is through diet and exercise

funny you mention that. One of my favorite things to do is to exercise until complete exhaustion - until I'm physically about to collapse or vomit. It's the best distraction and afterwards I'm in a pleasant state of delirium and warmth. Then I wake up the next day and it's back to the same old

>Then I wake up the next day and it's back to the same old
in what regards? what is the same old? feeling shitty? because I know a lot about this.


Stop chasing happiness you retarded cunt, chase contentment.
Emotions are sinusoidal, the higher the high the lower the low.

Please stop being a neurotic nigger, kike.

When you be more specific and identify the issue.

>what is the same old? feeling shitty?


The only thing that ever helped me was sustained discipline and abstinence from temptations. Purposely withholding simple pleasures. A steady diet of strictly clean eating balanced exercise regiment and meditation for say a year straight will change you physically and mentally, both on a physiological level. If you have the time throw purposeful learning in. Read. Fill your life with purpose and empty it of petty distractions. Always take the hard road. You're building a store of value and as long as you keep discipline it will keep building.

>Purposely withholding simple pleasures.

do you have an examples?

Literally just anything you feel tempted to do but know it's not good for you.

Why is it that Jow Forums is full of weird sociopaths that demand everyone do their weird shit like not doing anything fun and everyone is hostile here?

Right now: bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2827989.680

get laid faggot

I have and I didn't do it by pretending I'm some monk that needs to turn off the AC or my delicate dopamine receptors will be destroyed.

Quads of Truth Jeez

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