Why is Jow Forums so low IQ?
Why is Jow Forums so low IQ?
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Crypto tends to attract dumbasses with poor impulse control.
im 81 iq, tested
144 IQ trader here, I wouldn’t say biz is low iq but definitely low EQ, a lot of bagholders here married to their fake internet money that get extremely emotional and angry if you dare to question their Ponzi coins
because posts are anonymous everyone gets the same amount of respect
this means the same BSV or ETH retard can shill the same shit everyday making this entire board look retarded
Just look into Resistance DEX before R/cc catches on.
I'm attacked.
dumb nignog
people who sit on imageboards a lot tend to have poor focus and patience. they are unlikely to do any real research.
I did research once. Never again, dude. Crypto space is so full of shit even the top tier coins are utter garbage and you'd be major debil to invest in any of them. Research only distracts from you from playing the price action and fucks with your profits.
i hope my comment doesnt go unnoticed but attraction of money attracts the most mentally ill brain dead mentally retarded people in the world. how they choose Jow Forums over reddit is unsure by me
> Thinking biz posters know what EQ is.
I feel your pain.
the board is clearly overflowing with redditors user, I think someone must have gone there and advertised Jow Forums on their crypto pages
>thinking EQ is even a real thing
>researching is bad
Retarded Jow Forums posts Hall Of Fame.
If you don't get genuinely frightened when reading what most of these projects do, you're the retard.
this. anyone who did actual research would stay the fuck away from crypto. only reason to be in this space is to gamble on big profits.
Because reddit comes over here looking for financial advice hence the recent halving of the average IQ on this site compared to what it was just 3 months ago.
That guy knows.
Money makes bad foundations for a society
dude, buy IQ now and hodl
3x in a year
trust me
why is reddit so mediocre?
erection quality?
yes it's low from all the porn and fapping thrice a day
>Research only distracts from you from playing the price action and fucks with your profits.
spoken like a true adhd bizlet daytrader. you made my point.
Motherfuckers, IQ is a pseudoscientific "intelligence" indicator. medium.com
>"“IQ” is a stale test meant to measure mental capacity but in fact mostly measures extreme unintelligence"
No it isn't
They're saying that for political reasons now