I want him to take my virginity. Who else feel this way?
I want him to take my virginity. Who else feel this way?
He is such a stallion
I want him to get cancer
craig will fuck you, but sergey will buy you breakfast the next morning and not leave you feeling like a whore
I just can't get enough. Have you guys seen his bulge? It is huge
Just imagine getting stiffed (penetrated) by satoshi himself. Just the thought makes me boi pucci damping wet
>Bad English
>Craig shilling
Pajeet detected
Do you think he fucked them later that evening? It would be a dream come true
Can you imagine?
How come nobody in crypto an match his bulge? It makes my mouth hypersalivate
Can anyone even compare? I don't even think Roger Ver has balls like satoshi. No wonder Greg Maxwell and other core cucks are jelly
Is this BSV femboys' meetup thread?
imagine falling for greg maxwell forged documents and basing your entire reality around them. of course you are probably greg himself
Imagine being Craig's submissive femboy...
Craig had cancer in his 20s but God had a different plan for him. he got to stay because he has a purpose. a divine reason for being.
ITT, paid shills talkin to themselves
Imagine anything.
You can't lemming