/smg/ - Slint Market General

It really wasn't.

even in the great depression shorting was honored, look up jesse livermore

if you mean a complete collapse of society, then you should sell everything you have now and buy guns, ammo, and food, because that's the only things that will be valued. even gold bars will be forcibly taken from you by people with guns

t. Zoomer

I've lived through 70s oil shocks, 2008 was a recession. Collapse is depression, when you have within state major migration movements or when you eat babies like China

It wasn't a collapse, stupid. It came pretty damn close, but the bailouts stopped it from going into collapse. But since you're a child who's rather stay ignorant, I don't really care if you understand or not. You're going to throw shit around your crib no matter what.

Tell me about disco. Was it really as great as ska?

Based. I admit you are correct

Not the high quality ones

Seething. You are wrong and I laugh at you

Fed already said theyll catch us if we fall.
credit spread is also very low for the current treasury rate and retail sales + industrial production still hits new heights almost monthly. when that changes feel free to let me know

disco never existed
if anyone can show photo evidence of a real disco event Ill give them 1 million dollars