LINK yacht party music thread.
LINK yacht party music thread
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Eric Holder had Paul Walker assassinated to cover up his illegal gun smuggling operation in Mexico known as Fast and Furious.
oh it shall set the heart true, the mind sound...for destiny is known
i thought fast and furious was Obama's
Yer doing God work, user. Gods work.
in you go OP
>tfw u even stole african tribal dance rites to invoke cosmic energies
what the actual fuck
All I want is to live the Jimmy Buffet lifestyle
This is modern Charles Aznavour :
Can someone explain to me how I get my link off of binance and to my ledger? I'm not really following:
>Ledger app provides its own ETH address
>But I was told this won't work and I need to get an address from MEW
>Use MEW, get an address that is different from my ledger ETH address even when using ledger to interact with MEW
I don't understand. What's the point of the ledger if I have to use MEW anyway and get an address from MEW? If I'm not using my Ledger address what is the Ledger even doing for me?
funds are safe on binance, hardware wallets are a meme aka glorified usb stick
fuck off nigger
>open up ledger live
>connect ledger to live (receive funds confirm address etc.)
>open up MEW
>access my wallet; ledger; choose wallet address
>you can now send funds from this address
>to deposit funds here all you need is your eth address, as in the one you access this way
Jack Lang aime ça.
>open up MEW
>access my wallet; ledger; choose wallet address
>you can now send funds from this address
>to deposit funds here all you need is your eth address, as in the one you access this way
>access my wallet; ledger; choose wallet address
This is where I am lost. My ledger shows a different address than MEW, and I see no option in MEW to use my ledger address.
I'm even more confused now. I was clicking the one on the right that says "Ledger". The one on the left actually has the address on my Ledger. The one on the right titled "Ledger" does not have the address on my ledger.
What am I missing here?
nigga wtf this is what you should see
connect up your ledger, open eth app and then select your address
>walk near a synagogue
>they are having one of those parties
>everybody seems to be enjoying themselves immensely
>goys have to listen to shitty music on drugs to recreate this experience
Yeah I got it now, it was defaulting to the chrome address instead of the ledger live address.
ChainLink's javascript has been hacked and now all the nodes are being affected, meaning they will go offline one by one.
But here's the real trick; every node that goes offline first has to be validated by other nodes. Thus the first node won't go offline until EVERY SINGLE NODE has verified it actually has gone offline.
LINK will be in an infinite javascript loop. Maybe if you're a programmer you will recognize FOR and WHILE loops. Well.. This is a FOR loop that NEVER ends. The price will TANK to at least 50 satoshi, maybe even lower when the nodes are actually verified being offline.
Sergey is now busy setting up extra nodes to undo this process. Called "contra-hacking." He has injected some GO language code, pseudo-offline code, into the ChainLink network. This means nodes will appear to be online, while they are struggling to go offline, but in the meantime they cant because it isn't verified yet.
Neat trick if you ask me, but it wont last long before the other nodes will know whats really going on.
I suggest getting into something else now.