>get a roommate off craigslist to save money
>women won’t because man
>every guy online seems to be a closeted homosexual and asks about sucking your dick at one point or another
Get a roommate off craigslist to save money
Other urls found in this thread:
why dont you get your dick sucked? are you gay?
Homos like you should be executed.
>Sharing a living space with a random person
>finding a roommate that will paying half the rent and is cool giving you a brojob
Why the h8 m8?
You could've not mention that you'd like your dick sucked instead of rent in the ad
getting your dick sucked by another man isn't gay. only an actual fag would think there is anything gay about that.
>He wouldn't manager that to his benefit
will never make it
I just moved 1000 miles away to take a job, been here like 8 weeks, and one of my employees asked to move in with me, and his dog yesterday.
> oooof sorry man, I'm in a cramped studio and they don't take dogs :(
> Mfw in a gigantic 2BR
Sadly no doggo part was true
Its not homo if he does the sucking
turn the tables and suck HIS dick
>closeted faggot trying to cope with the fact he’s ashamed to admit he’s a faggot
Bro it’s pride month go catch aids and die you don’t gotta be ashamed! Just don’t harass straight dudes or ask to suck their dick! Preferably just die from the aids
>Waa waa! I don't want other adult men to have consensual private sexual relations with eachother! It makes me feel yucky!
>implying fags don't do it in public
>implying fags don't push their freak lifestyle on you
>implying fags have gentle lovemaking sessions with a lifetime companion instead of fisting each others asses while being whipped by a perfect stranger
>implying fags don't target children for grooming into new fags thereby perpetuating the cycle of abuse
You are a disease
>Can't imagine that some men might enjoy just having their dicc succt without wanting to marry a man
>Can't understand that not everyone thinks exactly like them
>Fragile enough to get angry when gay men proposition them, despite no one forcing them to do anything, want them banned from doing so instead
Jeez, you sound just like a woman
Maybe you might be gay..
No, you're thinking of the Jews, my friend
Jews push gayness as a lifestyle, regular gays don't have power to effect society in any real way
unfortunately this user knows what’s up
Sent from my IPhone
>implying fags, the most gossipy of all men, don't engage in the same nepotism and ganster behavior as jews
>implying gay culture being fueled entirely by meth, coke, pills, and poppers isn't an powerful lobbying force preventing addressing those problems in society
>implying the gay mafia and the gay elite aren't real
>implying the gay community isn't heavily involved in trafficking young boys
>implying jews are the only problem
Reminds me of being on dating websites circa 08/09
>always get older guys scoping my profile
>they message claiming that they just want to be bros, be a mentor, etc...
>usually respond and say "sorry man, I'm not here for that" then block them
>almost always they get a message or 2 in before I can block
>faggot desperation kicks in
>"hey man! I was just trying to be friendly"
>"...but if you ever get tired of women, I'd sure like to suck you off."
This is why people view you as mentally fucked.
These fag sympathizers will just deny deny deny and play victim because it’s their fetish to push their lifestyle on straight dudes.
But if you call them out dude you’re just overreacting. This is why they deserve a bullet in their head, because of the disgusting manipulative conniving behavior
SeeIt’s not about what fags do in the bedroom it’s when a fag propositions me with no reason to do so. I get it, it’s a numbers game and there are a surprising amount of closeted fags, but fact is need a bullet to the head.
This is the exact thing most men do to women. What you basically told is that you consider all men insane
>beta males being nice to women
It’s a biological thing for a man to want to make babies. If anything I simply have more sympathy for roasties, but it’s nature so it’s at least justifiable
I'm straight and sucked my friend's dick in highschool. Neither of us are gay. Both have fiances now. Faggots ITT are so uptight.
>women are constantly sucking MEN'S DICKS
>that's gay
>women are gay
>linking women is gay
why will Jow Forums deny this
Glad you agree
>sucked another mans dick
>bro I’m not gay I swear
I don’t agree with faggots doing it to other men.
You agree that men are insane
No, it’s not that. It’s a combination of poor upbringing, nature.
lol i remember this. women being absolutely 100% against male roommates. with 90% of guys being autistic incels, can't really blame them desu famalam.
All of them do the thing you describe. The ones better off just put more sophisticated guises over it.
My point is, they were predatory in nature by trying to mask their gay fuck 'n suck fantasy by acting like they wanted to mentor me or be like a dad. Because that's totally what every 19 year old thinks when they go on a dating site:
>well, if I strike out with the women, at least I can make some guy friends who are 40 years older than me
Get fucking real.
I never masked what my intentions were with the girls I talked to. It was never:
>hey Cindy, do you wanna make mac and cheese and skip rope on the sidewalk?
No. Listen. You're into me, I'm into you, let's go eat somewhere, fuck around at the mall, then go back to my place and see what that ass is about. (Paraphrasing in Chad)
Sorry you got sexually assaulted princess, daddys here to protect you now though
We were like 14-15 coming of age horny fucks with no access to girls. 29 year old boomer now. He was staying over and both got random puberty boners so I was like show me it and he whipped it out and asked me to suck and I was like meh ok, sucked it until I felt him about to nut then he nutted , went to the bathroom and we never spoke of it again.
Protip: You live in a fucking simulation where nothing matters.
LOL we got a closet case here folks
>Implying you don't just think a bunch of things that you read being implied some time on zerohedge are actually true and connect the dots even further in real life
Are you the same user who fucked his sister and said it was a normal coming of age?
Why wouldn't you want an autistic incel roommate? The perfect roommate is a loser who spends all his time quietly playing WoW in his bedroom. The worst is a normie who constantly wants his faggot friends to hang out in your living room.
do you want to see another boner?
lol that's not gay. They just want to give you a brojob because they think you're friends. Why are you being such a fag about it?
lol you must be gay AND jewish. The only "normal" gays are the ones who have some additional mental disorder which prevents them from actually engaging in gay sex ie germaphobia or OCD. All the others are completely sex obsessed freaks who organize lavish "pride" parades in order to reassure themselves that that little voice in their head that the clock is ticking isn't actually correct.
They're in the government, there running corporations (Peter Thiel), they have a line on high-quality hard drugs which means they are in with the cartels, and they have an agenda for you and your kids.
Bro... did you say no homo afterwards? If not, you're gay.
at what point did sucking someone off become gay?
bible ringers.. I swear. literally nothing is allowed
you should do what I would do. I got tired of dealing with these faggots I would larp that I'd be into it and have them "meet" me somewhere really far or give them a fake home address and enjoy the show. make them send you emails with pics that they're waiting outside. sometimes I would even say I'm the one in the black shirt go up to me. hoping that someone was actually wearing a black shirt in the general area lol. pretty fucking funny and it teaches them a lesson. I'm leaving at the moment otherwise I would greentext several stories.
you still might not realize you and your friend are actually gay
I got a female roommate off craigslist. I actually knew people in the building including the super so she was more comfortable letting me move in even though we just met
this is fine and dandy until someone ends up killing them or assaulting them and then you get investigated
lol not really. you're saying if someone went up to you saying hey are you so and so? you'll kill them? if they get killed then that's even better. how are they gonna track you if you use a vpn or a throwaway email. the chances of you getting struck by lightning are probably higher.
idk mate, idk if the fbi has the resources to get someone busted for sending someone to a random place and they get killed
watched a stream where a discord doxxed a guy and sent a gay dude from craigslist to his house. guy still lived with his dad and his dad went to go get a gun
I remember that, was great
then don't send someone to a house. send them to a mall or something. not that big of a deal, they will still waste time and be embarrased
This guy sounds like he really wants loads up the butt
It’s only gay if you’re the one sucking, amiright goys? Guys suck better peen because they know how it feels, trust me it’s fine.
I once fucked my best friend in the ass as an experiment. That doesn't make me "gay". And neither does getting your dick sucked by another man. kys
It's just sex lol.
Spoken like a true incel.
A tip of the fedora to you my fellow “chad”
Nice 420 btw bro
i agree. i've been fucked in the ass bareback and sucked the dicks of numerous black men i meet on grindr. feeling their hot cum fill my ass when they are deep inside of me is one of the greatest feelings ever. It's not gay at all
based and straight pilled
Right right, it’s only gay when you want to marry another dude. Fucking homos lmao.
hey so i was just here to get some advice on business but uh i think i will look elsewhere thanks
>business & finance
>housing is usually #1 cost
>talking about saving money
>personal finance
literally not being discussed
>imagine being THIS deep in the closet
Bro, thanks. Really. Let's meet up and have sex (with women, of course, hehe)
You're also a degenerate. Stop the premarital sex. Find a good girl, marry and have kids.
Sterile sex isn't a chad thing.
hey, as long as your dicks don't touch it ain't gay
>critical thinking.part1of9001
>can't greentext
>thinks his freudian psychobabble has power here
memes @ an ath right now
what part of my post was wrong? Please enlighten me.
Disgusting faggots.
dealing with women over having a thirsty guy suck and sit on your dick
no drama, no kids, more time to make money
so user why haven’t you taken the gay pill yet?
pretty sure you're the fag here user
dude you are gay as a fucking homosexual faggot. admit it to yourself and tell your fiance and call off your weddings. it's time to open your asshole to male schlong. hahahaha lmao what a faggot
Based af.
Imagine living with this shame for life. I'd have kms a long time ago
There has been a massive psy op campaign to push people into unnaturally tight livung conditions for the past 10 years for the purposes of social engineering. All things perverse have become fruitful and desireable in relationships.
How much more is society genuinely expected to take before it cracks under the sheer weight of unnatural abominations.
why are you so paranoid and afraid of gays bro? what are you, gay?
its okay guise as long as one of you is wearing a dress, makeup and pantyhose.
This is not some conspiracy psy op ceo salaries and business profits increase as worker wages have remained stagnant for decades. The middle class is shrinking and they are becoming upper class poor people and the upper class poor people are becoming middle level poor and so on. And the people accustomed to being poor already just remain poor or find a way.
imagine being this deep in this closet. I'd have kms a long time ago.
Oh hey, that's me...
At least I have a mental block stopping me from being a degenerate.
you must find and average women, so she will clean for you for free
wow this is still around
/biz topics which are hottly debatted:
gays and women
>I'm straight and sucked my friend's dick in highschool. Neither of us are gay. Both have fiances now. Faggots ITT are so uptight.
Oracle Omega is that you?
>get a roommate off craigslist to save money
Save some money and buy a house like a real man. I'm 23 and did this. If you need to finance it it shouldn't take more than like a year to finance it, with you paying your rent that and saving the rest for your down payment.
Did the same thing at 15. Hell I might even have been your friend. Grew up in north California.
>dude just buy a house lol
>make 45k
>houses are 200k minimum
no thanks retard
is this your first fucking day on Jow Forums?