Why I Bought VIDT 2 days ago

Dear Frends,

I think VIDT is a good investment and will go to the moon in a very short time. I find the unfounded criticism that Biz has on this token nonsense. I give three reasons why this token will increase in value:

1. Tokens are bought back by the company for the validation wallet. There is already a 200% increase in transactions perceptible in the validation wallet.

2. A top exchange is coming in Q3. This provides a lot of publicity.

3. A new partner will be presented on June 19, hype is building up around this token.

4. People keep FUD'ing this project because the token would not be necessary. This is not true, the token is used for payment purposes, wallet KYC, to store the fingerprint or a file and to provide transparency for investors.

5. The hype alone is enough for an easy 10x in the coming days / weeks.

6. Market cap is 2 fucking mil. 2 mil. Such a BS you are fudding a 2 mil market cap with such strong fundamentals.

It is a shame that Biz is so short-sighted and only drives with the masses without thinking for themselves. VIDT will moon.

Ciao Frends.

P.S. there is a rumor about ASML as a partner but I don't know if that's true. See No.14056939

Attached: vidtnice3.jpg (730x447, 24K)

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finally a thread about this coin that resembles even a slightly articulated shill

biz is too busy jerking off to LINK and fuding everything to take note of these occasional gems. Oh well.

Please convince me why I shouldn't invest some more ETH in this token! I like their approach and communication with the community as well.

I’m curious what everyone bought this at, I finished accumulating at 105000 and 99000 sats. Or did you all use idex instead? I found the volume wasn’t enough to be able to find a good pairing though

>globe earth

Also can we just make this the official thread, tired of having multiple tabs open of this coin and they all die after 30 minutes

Sure! What do you guys think about the learn and earn program?

can we please stop making threads about this coin and let biz buy when it's x100 from here in a year or so


Where did you get it?

Not OP, but I got some on Hotbit and most on IDEX.

I would recommend Idex, Hotbit has to much fake volume IMO


Someone went on their unofficial telegram and asked which exchange was the safest to buy 50 ETH, then proceeded to buy 50 ETH from said exchange. Normies starting to come in now boys. This is definitely bullish.


I have 3500 and hands of steel will I make it?!?

Imagine thinking there is no need for tokens.

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anyone knows how much pi one gets when he participates in the vidt learn project?

Krohne flow meters in almost every industrial facility in Europe at least. Once they partnered with Krohne, I realized I had Krohne flow meters in our plant.

Will be a announcement soon I guess!

you'll have $3500 EOY

i wanna buy 2 eth worth of this
whats a good entry point ?
was really hoping 0.00025
do you guys think it will dump?

hmm, I think $2 ~ $3 would be reasonable!

I don't know, might dump. But if you take a look at this graph I don't think it will soon, in the upcoming days/2weeks.

Attached: capture.png (1261x658, 48K)

No one is selling! Only up from here

yeah the real question is who is selling in the first place? the weakest hands? pajeets who sold thinking this would be an opportunity cost to moonchase something else? this is barely above the bottom and again, 2m fucking mcap, it’s absurd

How high can the price and marketcap go. Realistic predictions?

1 trillion market cap

We’re going up

price floor being set?

I literally can’t believe VIDT is at 2mill market cap with all the work they have done and continue to do. There are crypto’s with no working product and shitty team with 20x the mcap of VIDT. We are going to moon so hard when airbus confirms partnership and we get on big exchange q3

price floor is just going to continually move up as more people buy and less sell, it’s already been doing this the past week

Same here. I just browsed cmc and couldn’t believe some absolute shit vaporware has 50x marketcap and price over this.

im trying to buy on Hotbit but no ones buying my order

It was a pain in the ass for me too frend, I spent hours securing my bag

buy on idex, volume on hotbit is completely fake

have to wait 24 hours to move coins off hotbit this seems sketch

I got them moved off successfully, this is a fairly established shitcoin exchange

This thread is correct.
VIDT is the true ethrum killer of this years market caps
Do you think this sleeping giant has not been working hard? Think again? They have
Purchase this or become poor - or as they all say:
Don't be kidded and get yourself some more VIDT!

Anyone who is not buying this shitcoin RIGHT AT THIS MOMENT has no business in crypto, please leave it for your own good

I've only got 5k need a dip so I can buy more

Just chinks being chinks. Good news is you get free prawn crackers with your withdrawal

alright faggots ive filled my bags, now you can pump it

Ethereum killer ethereum token.

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bump the motherfucking thread

Wil go +30% soon. Sell orders are thin

bampppp this shits gonna rise today boys

Will I make it with 14k tokens?

I do think so, 1000x possible in a few months!

How many V-ID for a suicide stack?

Best pasta 2019 AHAHAHAHA

People keep FUD'ing this project because the token would not be necessary. This is not true, the token is used for payment purposes, wallet KYC, to store the fingerprint or a file and to provide transparency for investors.

This does not mean token is needed lol how dumb are you literally everything you mentioned is done on eth chain by eth/gas lol

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Finally I've entered a moon mission before the take-off.

Good to have you on board marine.

nice try faggot but the token will be able to be converted into shares EOY

It ables Vidt to have a particular tokenomics and a divident distribution idiot. Just look at their tokenomics before fudding on tokenomics geez.

Btw the next year they will literally exchange tokens for fucking shares if you want. In which fucking world the shares of a 10 year old successful company is useless?

>the next year they will literally exchange tokens for fucking shares if you want
Can someone send a reference to that statement?

It's on their roadmap they updated recently. about.v-id.org/bru/ by 10 years I means they are a successful Dutch team that has been working on cyber security for 10 years. Their project vidt is new.

It's on 2020 Q1

Here you go user. See you soon on mars if you make the right decision.

Attached: VIDS.png (2157x868, 204K)

Thanks user. Went jus all in with my messy 150$

1. V-ID team uses child labour
2. Sexual harrasment is very common in the V-ID workplace
3. Token still not needed

You must be fun at parties.

>1. V-ID team uses child labour
>2. Sexual harrasment is very common in the V-ID workplace
thanks unironically bought another 100k

2 million, normies

Anyone else signed up for vidt learn thing? Know what's up with it?

Yeah, I also signed up!

Im interested to learn more about this. I wonder which, Vidt or VIDS will be more profitable?