Biz, do you think people change and get meaner when they finally get fuck you money?

Biz, do you think people change and get meaner when they finally get fuck you money?

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Pretty lame of him to share this with everybody. Not paying him is reasonable, but keep it between the two of you.

hes based. He doesn't owe anyone a damn thing.

>bro my money is """"""""""""""""""""""""""tied up""""""""""""""""""""""""""


Stop pestering him for shekels you poor piece of shit. No means no.

imagine being a bitcoin billionaire and not even doing anything for your friends
i mean i wouldnt straight up give them money but I would pay for them to go on fancy vacations and stuff with me

why not give them $? just give them a trust, so you can micromanage them and keep them from fucking up

Its not like the guy donates money to random poor people in Africa or anything, its ideologically consistent o fuck over your friends then

Oh he does donate money to africans? Oh...

cant believe he posted this. makes him look horrible.

yes people who make it are all like this, they get a god complex and think they got it all figured out

There's a huge difference between declining someone and signalling your virtue publicly to show how rich and sophisticated you are. Of course you'd know this, if you weren't a colossal faggot

no, they just think they finally have a green light to be themselves.
>but plebs don't

>pledge to give the majority of your money away
>create your own charity and ask ppl to donate
>your charity is based upon the belief that giving no strings cash to those in need is the best way to help them
>become first crypto billionaire to join Buffett, Gates in pledge to donate bulk of fortune
>parade your charity online
>have a friend ask you for money in their time in need
>lol no, dont wanna take that from you lol, i dont have any money y u think that??

I mean how can they get to distort reality on such a way that they believe broadcasting a private personal email to all of his twitter followersis OK?

was he trying to virtue signal his ethics?

I dont know the guy but imo the Coinbase CEO is either not very self aware / emotionally retarded

It's not about whether you give people money or not, it's about posting this sanctimonious bullshit for the world to see and not realising it makes you look like a total fuckhead.

Lmao imagine he used this rhetoric towards third world charity?
>I don't want to give money to niggers. It would starve them of the opportunity to work hard and get themselves out of their own problems. The answer is no, filthy niggers.

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what'd he mean by this

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top kek, fucking jews

he deleted it ahahahah
when psychopaths let it slip

His “friend” is obviously not a nigger or fuckhead would bend over backwards to give him gibs

broke bois BTFO

it means egghead wants to take credit for other people donating their money and/or participate in tax evasion schemes or backroom deals
but when push comes to shove, faggot brags in the face of a friend he's got $10M+ in liquidity and won't give him a cent

100% correct
once people made it they just want to show off how good they are

My thoughts have been if i get rich enough that people feel comfortable asking for money I will give them a buisness loan for equity and help guide them through the process of running a succesful buisness. I feel that many people if they had access to enough capital to start a buisness without being subject to the hyperleveraged hell of small buisness loan markets they would be able to start building up capital for themselves and make the buisness work, plus I would much rather give a friend 500k so they could pay themselves a salary and have a minute chance of getting some return on my investment then giving them 50k and not seeing anything back.

Yeah but imagine being a billionaire and wasting time helping plebs that will inevitably becomes rich dumb assholes themselves, even if you think you found “good ones”
While trainging your competition your current competition are out there trying to takedown your business-any means necessary. The richer you are the larger liability you create. You’d have to give up control of your companies just to have time to do anything else. Bill Gates doesn't run MS anymore since he does all his nigger charity for example

Good on him for posting it publicly, that beggar tried to corner him alone and emotionally manipulate him in secrecy.

Get wrecked beggers you don't deserve it.

You will never get rich because your thought process is retard tier.

People aren't successful because it takes balls nigger. Capital has nothing to do with it in 95% of cases.


"I hope you'll drop me a note when you do $0"

