Is accounting a based career choice?

I keep hearing conflicting things regarding accounting. Some articles say it's the safest major to get a decent job and eventually get a six figure salary while others are painting a picture of doom and gloom and that the accounting industry will face automation and a large chunk of their workers will no longer be needed.

Is accounting a safe choice to major in in the current year or should I just go for something in IT instead? I want to go for a math degree but an accounting degree on takes 3 years as opposed to 4 and it seems like the much safer option. Time and time again you hear math majors struggling to find a job.

Or should I just do CS instead or both math or accounting? What about physics or engineering?

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A lot of colleges have a comp sci + math double major program designed to be completed in 4 years. Your earning potential with that degree combo from a decent school will blow away anything you could make with an "accounting degree."

I can get the accounting degree from a 3 year vocational school with good coop though. It'll be a bit cheaper plus shorter commutes. With uni, It'd be around 3 hour commute everyday.

Also I heard accountants can eventually get in to venture capital (my goal).

This 100%. Be one of the people automating the accountants.

Btw I heard that double majors aren't favorable and that it's better to just to a major or a major and a minor.

Is this true or a meme?

breh accounting has a 98% chance of automation

Even CPAs and stuff like forensic accounting. I know that accounting clerks are definitely gonna be replaced but what about auditors and the ones mentioned previously?


As someone who finished college. I will tell you that unless you have a job lined up through a family member, family friend, or friend as in they are a member of a business or organiation in which their referral is grounds for hiring and the company is seeking an individual with a degree for a starter position, then you are going to have a hard time finding a job.

Most cities will require you spend months of time searching for a job.

Consider hitting the gym for stress, anxiety, and hopelessness because it is going to be pretty much a given.

The average job search takes 4 to 5 months in the USA.

They also say you should expect to wait 1 month for every 10000 dollars in pay you expect to receive as your pay rate at your new job.

Alright thanks. I guess when I choose what to major in I'll make sure to apply for internships and make connections.

Your accountant and lawyer are the most important red tape people to your business, so if you get good at it, you will be set for lyf.

the large majority of accounting jobs will get wiped out by the fourth industrial revolution.

Accounting is a good career choice now. However in 20 years time it won't be. You will be fine though, because you should have moved well beyond basic entry level jobs. That's what the muh automation retards itt don't understand.

By FAR the most important thing is that you choose something that you genuinely find interesting/enjoy. All of the degrees you mentioned can lead to amazing jobs if you're talented and work hard. If you're don't enjoy it it will be very difficult and painful to /makeit/.

DON'T choose a degree just for the money. Trust, me I know so many people who did this and are misserable.

Just to be clear, I'm not saying you should go for some meme degree like women's studies just because you find it interesting. As long as it's STEM, law, finance or accounting you should go for what you find the most interesting. Ask yourself if you genuinely would enjoy work as an accountant/programmer/engineer for 30+ years. Accounting is great in terms of money, but if you don't enjoy it sucks balls.

Good major but only if you do CPA + JD with an emphasis is BOTH Tax and Corporate law. Since this is kind of the equivalent of going for a CFA but on the accounting side.
Else, your job will be outsourced or automated.

Avoid accounting. The best degree you can get is CS + Math. Then self study accounting/finance/financial modeling and work at a hedge fund. You can even go for a CS/Stats/Financial Engineering Masters. If you keep your grades up you should have 2-4 top tier internships before you go full time. You'll unironically make 300K starting if you come out from one of the top quant programs with said background.

replaced by smart contracts, oracles and block chains in the next 5 years
lol, even mentioning it is retarded. Make some specific courses and certificates in specific languages instead of going to (((university)))
better do statistics
learn a trade, and specialize once you have worked 10 years in your industry

So math or statistics and self learn all the finance and coding stuff?

Btw about the accounting, I've read more about it and it doesn't look too good. Accountants will need to upgrade their math knowledge and learn to code in the future anyways.

Why u taking advice from a pajeet board user?

Make a list of like 20 things you like and choose the one with the best career prospects, as judged by pay/low suicide rate/subjective appearance of happiness/etc. If you go for accounting or comp sci or math without actually liking those fields, then you will be bored and sad.

Journalists A) are kinda stupid B) usually don't have much more knowledge into what they're writing about than a layman and C) aren't capable of predicting the future with any more accuracy than anyone else. You should aim for a resilient skill set in an area that's currently growing, instead of relying on pundits and think tanks to predict the future of machine learning. Using your brain and studying foundational trends is more useful than buzzfeed.

If you go full autist a math/statistics combination and some specific language courses on the side.
>Accountants need to learn to code and do math
They already need to code in a certain way. If you can't work with databases and built in house solutions you will not land a job

My dumbass friend is studying to be an accountant. Switched unis to a overly expensive one to get "clout" Is doing accounting and is thinking he will be a millionaire. Atm he just goes to asia and fucks whores and has no social skills and probably has aids

so up to u