why would people buy this over ETH
Hard capped at 210 million unlike ETH with no hard cap.
Is it likely to moon or just another shitocin
It can’t stay under $1 billion market cap for long. Also if ETH 2.0 goes FUBAR somehow, ETC may switch places with ETH as it goes down.
ETH 2.0 is hard capped.
>hard capped
Honestly who the hell would buy ETH over this
so why is the price so low
My timing was always awful with this coin
im considering buying it. Howeever I'm trying to figure out whether ETH is better for gains
Because they are low IQ, monkey shitskin, niggers.
Don't take advice from me
I have the pink wojak of ID colors
Back to coward
Why would we buy ETC when a disproportionate amount of it was stolen in the beginning, it's poorly distributed
yup. where do you think all the hash power goes after PoS implementation on ETH? No more 51% attacks
Pedophile monkey shitskin Niggers to be precise. Gone drop the doxes over on real Jow Forums on Tuesday or Wednesday.
you mean the competent were rewarded? This is just the way of the world
PoW coins have a direct link to real-world value. nuff said.
0xBTC shills have led me to believe they'll go there lul
Etc is the lite coin of ether
there's a lot of hashpower to go around
0xBTC is a haven for us real men. Fuck guerilla niggers, liberals, and the Dutch.
They are going to go to whats most profitable. Theres little reason to believe they would mine 0xBTC based on merit and ideology alone. Mining is a business and treating it differently means you are going to fail.
you are among the discord trannies? Than you are doxed. If you participated in market manipulation or cp trading, the authorities have gotten the data and depending on where you reside, you will be jailed, hung, shot or beheaded
Because people are braindead and $8 a coin looks better than $250
0xbtc devs are working on a hard fork of ethereum classic to use the sha3 proof of work function 0xbitcoin uses to secure ethereum classic. It's called the Astor SHA3 PoW test net and ECIP-1059
are you fucking serious?
pos will be eth's demise. for sure
smart contracts for robots
I wondered about this. It is not like transactions are likely to be cheaper, since gas prices are mainly set by miners and the cheapness of the ether should he simply reflected in a higher gas price.
people who understand economics and technology
more specifically
1) there is no functional difference between an emission rate trending towards the infinitely small and a hardcap
2) hardcaps can be lifted at any moment with a fork, so they're mostly a rhetorical trick to get people who struggle with math on board
the hardcap sort of makes sense for bitcoin which has been reduced to "store of value" as its sole value proposition. it doesn't make sense for ethereum as a mutable and forward looking protocol. it makes even less sense for a minority fork with little adoption or development, which stands no chance to become hard money as bitcoin already exists
>eth is the fork! etc is the original chain!
anyone who says this understands nothing about the tech. neither etc nor eth is anything like the pre-dao chain. "eth isn't immutable, etc is" narrative had its day in the sun before the parity bailout was rejected, evidencing the dao as a one time event. and etc supporters might rejoice if a bailout does happen later on... except the critical window for adoption has come and gone. you're left holding barry silbert's bags, and letting dexaran (the DAO hacker) dump on you