why would people buy this over ETH
Charles Roberts
Hunter Gomez
Hard capped at 210 million unlike ETH with no hard cap.
Jayden Rogers
Is it likely to moon or just another shitocin
Blake Thomas
It can’t stay under $1 billion market cap for long. Also if ETH 2.0 goes FUBAR somehow, ETC may switch places with ETH as it goes down.
Justin Cruz
ETH 2.0 is hard capped.
Evan Thomas
>hard capped
Honestly who the hell would buy ETH over this
John Bell
so why is the price so low
Eli Perez
My timing was always awful with this coin
Ian Price
im considering buying it. Howeever I'm trying to figure out whether ETH is better for gains
Jaxson Rogers
Because they are low IQ, monkey shitskin, niggers.