Which coin would you bet your family

life on that in 5 years it will still be there and making gainz for investor ?

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Fantom. It was the only coin I've got my family to invest in. I took the risk because I knew how early.

Coinmetro, you gotta be stupid to not invest after last ama.

can you elaborate why ?

bunch on korean doing some crypto..

don't even speak english


Chainlink (LINK)


Fucking Monero.

The first movers. Eth, Btc, Xmr, Ltc, and maybe one or 2 that may not even exist yet. I personally don’t think FNT and definitely not LINK

No mention of BAT yet they have close to 8 million users while still in beta.

BTC ETH ICX, prolly some more out there

none of them

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user, I’m a leg man, but that pic looks like Brittany Spears with mild Down syndrome and my penis is confused.

Hey Serena

Attached: Taylor Momsen photo-016.jpg (1218x1600, 374K)

200 IQ


simple obvious game changer with a working product and excellent customers VIDT will become the standard for digital anti fraud in 5 years

Sia, one thing is sure the internet and all that shit will always demand space, Sia is the only one trully decentralized file system


BOMB only store of value


bitcoin and ethereum. thats it.

Posting the glorious pasta:

>Keeps cucking over FTM.
Those retards can barely handle 100k $ on their chains

>Cronje says Quant is dipshit

Ranjeet FTMers , keep bagholding your piece of shit.

This is the most legit thing since LINK endowed and blessed this board

Keep sucking CZ's dick and pajeetposting Crypto Zombie YouTube AMAs lol, while Quant will connect more than 570 banks

FTM pajeetposting ruined this board

Bosch's worst nightmare ;)


How about you just watch the AMA, faggot

QNT, 100%. Recent deal shows the scale of what they can achieve.

Aergo and fantom are my 2 holds.

I think I have found that coin (it's actually a whole project), but I need to make a few thousands in order to invest there before sharing that info with you guys. I mean, I have almost €1k in, but I want to make 5MM in 4 years instead of just 1MM.

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I'll give you a hint. It includes a better performing variant of Datalog. Also, limited supply of coins.

Bitcoin & Bitcoin cash

aware me on bat

all women are whores.


pic related.

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brown ID check
broken english and posting shit that doesnt even make sense cheeck




btc, iota, xmr, link

it’s really not that fucking hard.

BSV will be the only coin alive on a long timeframe
Enjoy failure if you choose not too see it








Zcash - But i'll get people telling me to delete this now.

I already picked my horses

80% ETH
20% ICX

85% of my net worth in crypto

This man fucks

But buy LINK too tho

Obviously FTM, but also LTC is very underrated by most.

BOMB Token

Anyone litecoin master race?

Tell us more, since you bothered to give a hint.


Not one that gets posted on this board

As long as it’s not a bitconnect scam most will still be around. Some will lose some satoshi value but still be pumped in usd price by btc anyways. Just do wayback on coinmarketcap, the top have been near the top for years.

The main developer is from Israel. As far as I remember, the roadmap should be completed around 2022.

Sorry user, as I said before I need to save more money and invest before I "shill" it here.



Bitcoin if I had a gun to my head


Literally everything else is a useless shitcoin, ETH included.

only IOT A?



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