What do you think of this method?

this thread was recommended in a thread in here for how to double your stack and make a shit ton:

>start with $100
>1% gain on 100x trade is 2x, so now you have $200
>do it again, $400

You are now a millionaire. Of course, you will likely make more than 1% every trade, so it will not take so long. At 2% per trade it will only take 9 trades to reach two million. Take very safe and high probability, *reactive* trades. This is key. Reacting to the market leaves little room for liquidations. Proactive trading is too noisy for this strategy.
If you get liquidated, you start again.

I'm too newfag to know if this is at all viable. What do you guys think?

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>>start with $100
% gain on 100x trade is 2x, so now you have $200
>>do it again, $400

>> Whale dumps and liquidates your whole stack.

Assuming this is referring to bitmex, your liquidation will be significantly

Yeah, I'm aware of that... but the thread does talk about:

1. If you lose everything, you still only lose $100.
2. If you manage to get to say, 6000, you can withdraw and have 60 more attempts to mitigate any losses through a whale.

What do you think?

if it sounds easy why has no one done this

How big should the limit order be, say I'm investing 0.2 BTC?

In the game you describe wins the one with more funds.
And you dont have infinite funds.

No, you are right. The roll of a dice costs $100. 50% chance says you lose it all. The other 50 says you'll get $200.
Provide you pull out wisely enough to get enough money for continuous attempts, the times when you gamble anything more than $100 leave you theoretically gaining, provided that you withdraw to continue your attempts. A reserve of $1000 should be good enough to prevent getting broke, so once about $2000 has been accumulated continuous attempts to double should probably be engaged until about $8000. After that, while pocketing some away, you could try and moon it.

If you were careful to put away when you had enough to risk it, you could technically manage pretty well, right?

Never beat nioh, gave up at the ogress.
Had some top tier waifus though

You can play as this bitch and other hot waifu skins if you finish the game and get a shit ton of Honor. Takes the piss but excellent and nice

What happens if you lose your gambling stack in the dice game?
Do you invest more from your put aside stack to keep playing?

Also, you mix infinities and finitites. Your logic applies to the infinite game with infinite funds, where indeed you will be guarranteed to have a point where you can exit while ahead, if you play by Martingale.
But in real life you cannot keep on playing indefinetely. You cannot always double the stakes.

Speaking of grybdo and bitmexing, margin fees will fuck you up. If you take x100 leverage, you have to pay interest on the whole position out of your margin. You may anticipate the next move right, but if you have an insanely leveraged position, you may need to pay huge fees b4 that move takes place.

Yes, you keep investing from the put aside stack. Statistically speaking, you should make enough to balance out your losses at the very least. Statistically speaking, completely running out is unlikely, isn't it?

And also, I'm referring to the game where we put aside money for extra attempts and chances are, spare money should accumulate giving that statistically you are going to encounter a $300 profit, given it only takes 2 wins to get this - so 25% chance. At such a point, you can put aside the 300 if you spare stack is small and start from 100 again, or try to continue doubling. If you maintain a side stack, then theoretically, you would have to be unlucky to totally diminish it after the first few successful 25% chances.

I do think you might have to start with at least $400 though. And I'm talking about if you limit this at the 1% profit at 100x leverage - anything beyond that, which is fairly likely, then you should get more than $100 even at the bottom.

Mainly what I'm saying is: you can never lose more than the $100 you start with in a single trade, but you can gain a great deal more. Provided you make a spare stack, the statistics are surely in your odds?

>Just double your money till you reach a million guise
It doesn't fucking work unless you're an insider on some shady stockmarket deals.

Bitmex see leveraged positions and act accordingly to wipe out 100xers

How they see leveraged positions? I don't think getting to a million is a great idea in general, so if you were working with a relatively small amount.

I don't get this. There's the potential, on the side of gains, to double to a massive number, whereas there is a clear limit on how much you can lose, where you can only lose invested money of $100. Don't you have far more to win?


>There's the potential, on the side of gains, to double to a massive number, whereas there is a clear limit on how much you can lose, where you can only lose invested money of $100. Don't you have far more to win?

All of this applies to a lottery. Your approach is fallacious until you actually account for the odds. "Potential" counts for shit.


How bad are you at math?
Pls stay away from bitmex lol

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>what are odds?
>what is edge on short term trade and how big do you think it is on avrg in every trade?
>what is levrage and how does it work?

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just keep making bitmex accounts until you win 10 grand, even if you lose 99 times you're making money
what do you mean what happens to the x100 losses? the house eats them :^)

Fun fact is that this 50/50 win or lose meme is real for TA spots trends
>theres literally 0 trends to spot in you live or die by so its fucking 50/50 coinflip
>go try win 10 coinflips in row and write us back never mind 100

>so its basicly 50/50 flip

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OP implied that the exchange will not come after him if he loses so he only loses 100$ out of 10 grand and makes another account to start from 100$
big brain hours

OP also typed this for 100x lvrg bets:

Take very safe and high probability, *reactive* trades. This is key.

So what do you expect lol

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i am not OP you faggot. this is a thread from warosu, i just want to know what biz thinks

You need biz opinion on dumb fucking thing like this?

I get that basic math eludes you BUT maybe use common sense and thinka about fact how everyone is not rich by this little hack and why lol

How dumb are you really?

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>100x Leverage.
Not reading anymore. yup go ahead dopamin addict.

Well, that's what I thought too. But I wanted to know if there was any value in playing it safer.

Low IQ, you're basically gambling at that point. 1% drops/rises are extremely common.
You'll empty your bank account trying to chase riches.

It's like thinking a roulette table is a reliable route to becoming a millionaire.

Because it doesn't work.