You assholes said if I bought this I wouldn’t get dumped on

You assholes said if I bought this I wouldn’t get dumped on

Attached: 0AFBDF85-7D15-4F28-9C35-B1E44DDB0ED0.jpg (400x400, 5K)

solid project, sir
please hold

Still very bullish with BitMEX listing soon. This is the one you actually wanna hold.

This isn’t funny you guys have to stop going on this board and lying about projects... you guys said it’s only going up and now it’s dumping on me.

Fine I’ll hold it longer but right now it’s the worst performing in my Chadfolio

Down 8% after an 11% rise is not a dump. Read up on the project, CEO's history in Institutional finance and cyber-security, etc. This isn't some no name chink coin PnD. Just hold, promise.

Bitmex lmao

only available on IDEX premium sirs... don't not delay with purchasing or hodlering.

Shut the fuck up and hold, you weak handed cuck.


buy the news

should've bought VIDT like a smart boy

If chainlink was good it wouldn't be shilled.
Why shill something that's supposed to get value from enterprise adoption on Jow Forums?
To sell bags, because it won't.

ICO buyer dumped his 90k stack..All gone now. Hold on tight fren we gonna make it

You are a stupid larper if you sell this coin before it hits $20/coin.

People getting spooked about minor natural market movements regardless of the longer-term trajectory is why so many people in crypto remain poor despite it being a once-in-a-generation way to get rich this quickly and easily.

ChainLink is good, but Quant is better.
30 million mCap vs 440 million mCap.
Read up on Quant and make some gains, user.

Well this is one of the stupidest things I've ever read on Biz.

Everyone gets excited about their own project and wants to post about it. Just natural human behavior. The key is to DYOR and separate the gems from the shitcoins.

>CEO's history in Institutional finance and cyber-security

>history in cyber security
>gets scammed out of $125,000 on telegram by a pajeet

garbage FUD

Not fud at all you dumb bagholder.

Just plain FACTS.

Gilbert is a cyber securty 'expert' and he got SCAMMED for $25,000 worth of ETH and $100,000 of QNT tokens.

it literally happened you delusional telegram moonboy

bitmax listing next week, buy the dip
bitmax has some of the best market makers, look at what happened to FTM, XTZ, LTO after listing there