DM is down, Wallstreet is down. Empire doesnt seem to work atm. Nightmare is up, but little selection.
Help anons
DM is down, Wallstreet is down. Empire doesnt seem to work atm. Nightmare is up, but little selection.
Help anons
Merchant hidden in the money, saved
Kike, please.
back to bed kids, adults only here
cover urself, ur glowing all over the place buddy
Dream is kill??? I had 80 eur there :^S
empire you brainlet
works fine
limited selection
get outta here you dumb faggot
since 2 months apparently.. may come back in august
more vendors will move over
obviously you know this and are just a glow in the dark nigger or retarded
It is June, we will probably have a long summer till October/November. Buy seeds, grow them till they are about 6 cm, go hiking find a place in the forest with young trees, older then 3 years so you don't have to worry about a forester, look for nettles which indicates high levels of potassium in the ground and plant them.
Pro tip, deer and snails like weed to, build a little fence with wires around your plants about 50 - 80 cm around your garden and 50 cm high. Come back in 3 or 3.5 months and harvest
>next year there will be more sellers
dumb faggot kys
ok bro
CGMC if you only want weed or shrooms
It is the best market ive used since AB got shut down
If you want real nigga drugs, i cant help you, been on CGMC for over a year now with no regrets
for the uninitiated
Did you try telegram in your area?
via invite.. also might be US vendors only..
Thanks anyway.
tor or i2p?
Haven't been on a market since BMR shut down
did they close it to invite only again? it was open registration for like 6 months
i know for a fact its not US vendors only, im US but ive seen plenty outside
if any anons genuinely want an invite, i have like 20
tor, not familiar with i2p.
I would take one
I'll take one to check it out. Thanks.
don't mind. If I get it right the invites are open. Unless you would profit from buyer, possible seller.
wow im sorry guys im a fucking idiot
last order was about a month and a half ago, got me a pound to last a while
apparently CGMC is gone as of about a month ago
all public URLs not responding, even my VIP links are not responding
did some research and sure enough about a month ago CGMC got shut down
well, fuck me. have about a QP left was literally gonna place an order next week.
the invite page works. Main page seems down. If they took down a bunch of markets wouldn't wonder if the server have issues currently
follow up - one of the big vendors on CGMC made a thread about it all
he says hes still live on Empire, SR 3.1, and going live on Nightmare soon.
Only familiar with empire, but those are apparently 3 markets that are still thriving.
yeah the main page loads, but no login pages are accessible
real fucking bummer, it was the best market id used in a while, always FEd for my vendors there, always was heavy and usually with extra samples
according to DCBG (not sure how reliable this is been out of the game since 2013 because I grow my own) cannazon4gbjluus is a good option for EU and UK. Is up though
Just browsed a bit. prices are astronomic. I guess I rather keep growing myself and big maybe try to go for vendor in fall to gobble up some coins. Any good forums where the community is concentrated now?
yeah some of these prices are blowing my fucking dick away, i just copped this lb for 900, i cba to pay over 1k again
as far as forums go, honestly i use reddit for my information when somethings changed, they get shut down fast because reddit admins are pussies but r/darknet and related subs have a plethora of knowledge
sad. No onion forums? What a shame. I miss old Silk Road and BMR forum. Taught me the basics of opsec and it was great for shitposting
yeah it is sad, i had a friend irl show me everything about opsec from usb boot linux to PGP keys, never really got into onion forums, just got my weed and went about my life
So what de fuck is open now??
My mom uses facebook unironically. Just go into one of the boomer medical groups and say that you don't live in a legal state but your a caregiver and people will basically send you pounds for free. Fucking ridiculous how blase my mom is about it but she has like 2lbs of oil sitting in her cabinet right now.
Dreadecomdopooda is an onion forum reddit like. I only entered the dark net once but Im thinking at lurking there as clearnet forums are shit
Dread is decent but not a lot of people. There is also torchan but I think that's worse desu. Skynet had some good info on carding and other shit but they want you to sign up and shit.
Btw has anyone had any experience with carding that can educate me on some of the details?
Those cloned ones really give you €s in an ATM?
Agartha works!
Already bought some adderall and deposited/withdrew as a test before utilizing it
It's gone. They're nervous about getting shut down so told people to pack up and left. "Nicest market exit of all time".
Never actually went through the process just looked at what information I could find. What a fair number of people are claiming to have success with are buying the cards, getting online gift cards, and exchanging those for btc on paxful but again I haven't actually attempted any of this because I'm a pussy and still not 100% certain on this stuff
Woah shit. SCATTER
Find ur local dealer
The DM is not the same anymore
Whole time I feel like I’m sitting in the same room as two FBI & CIA agents
Pay a bit extra for peace of mind fuck the DM