Jow Forums elects Trump

>Jow Forums elects Trump
>Jow Forums sparks the 4th industrial revolution
What will be next paradigm shift Jow Forums begets?

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Other urls found in this thread:,000,000 jews&sort=best&startDate=19000101

>What will be next paradigm shift Jow Forums begets?
The eradication of the jews.

Time travel

solving the oracle problem
link sure as hell won't

Exposing the war mongering, child abusing, Zionist Jewish paedophiles who run the world and have tricked us into thinking we're nothing but a fluke stuck on a globe spinning through infinite space

A wealthy NEET buying 4cham and shutting it down for good and freeing us all from eternal misery.

you never get to escape
you'll never leave this place


>green ID
>based reply
you've already made it, user

My quads disagree.


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I bet you have a lot of friends, goy and they all like you.

Jow Forums starts the 4th reich. This time we do it right

>Jow Forums elected Trump
If that's actually a good thing is debatable though.


Yes, true, but it was an escape valve for a greater American nationalist movement... and it may have strangled the baby in the cradle.

Hitler was a great man but overall severely underestimated the evil and cruelty of our enemy, this is a fact.

The holocaust never happened, but it should've, and it will. This time, no more half-measures... total erasure, no other option than going all the way.

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k this


Law 15: Crush your enemy totally. All great leaders since Moses have known that a feared enemy must be crushed completely. (Sometimes they have learned this the hard way.) If one ember is left alight, no matter how dimly it smolders, a fire will eventually break out. More is lost through stopping halfway than through total annihilation: The enemy will recover and will seek revenge. Crush him, not only in body but in spirit.

I was gonna say giving white people a sense of cultural identity again, but yeah basically this

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Take women's rights away to prevent the second fall of Rome.

Having the masses come to terms with the melancholy in all our hearts, thus giving them true power to combat oppressive powers. Don't stay happy, it will kill your will, creativity, and deep thoughts. Sadness cant harm you when you are friends with what they call "depression", melancholy, I laugh at my own pain and seek lessons in both mine and others pain. I see no other way.

i've posted this a few times without actually checking it's real, which is kind of stupid, but i just did and holy fuck it's all there,000,000 jews&sort=best&startDate=19000101


Happiness is transitory. You can at best aim for contentment if you want something permanent but that is so out of the modern vocabulary of the masses that you might as well try and teach a dog to read. You might manage with a few but the most will never get it and want their master or form street packs that fuck over people.

Aliens are coming and the World will unite under trump to either fight em or work with em- thats the end game

you're an idiot pretending to know something

>he thinks trump got elected because of trump
>he thinks chainlink is going anywhere
hopefully the next paradigm will be the cure for delusion

it is foretold

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Ok tranny, bye bye. Go take your meds

removal of juden ofcourse the cancer of free enterprise with their pesky dynasties

>double 42

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