IQ and money

I have a higher than average IQ (135-140range) and I am broke as fuck, every known member of my family is (my father was the smart one and left when I was a kid).

Anyone else with me?
Should I just kill myself? I feel like it everytime I read some study or watch a youtube video proclaiming this or that is the reason somebody doesnt succeed when environment (in my case at least) was by far the defining factor in turning into a spergy loner weirdo.

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Theres no way this chart is accurate.

Nobody gives a shit you're not entitled to anything the reason you're not making money is because you're posting this stupid fucking thread

Its accurate for sure. Median income in the USA is only $38K, as 100 IQ shows.

People don't really make that much money on average. If you have cities with 100K median household income, its mostly older married people and often both the husband and wife are working.

Most Americans aren't making >$20/hr. You need a lower class to support all the billionaires.
its from this paper, judging accuracy takes reading it but given the amount of time and study thats gone into income+iq correlations elsewhere, i assume its accurate

It'd suggest to me that high IQ really doesn't play that much of a role in big salaries desu. In the midwest class be trucker drivers can easily get 45-50k range and I know they arent 120 IQ. I just figured higher IQs were raking in a lot more cash on average.

>you're not entitled to anything
cut and paste where i said i was? its like youve a default reply lined up for any 'im broke' post, in my last line i straight up said environment was the defining factor in turning me into a useless prick.

>It'd suggest to me that high IQ really doesn't play that much of a role in big salaries desu.
its just another heredity trait, people are born with a range of potentials and nurture decides where a person ultimately ends up within that range (height, health, temperament etc).
i can tell from my day to day life and online interactions that theres a shitload more people than you would think out there who have been neglected during development, including many people who fall into truck driving, many of them probably do have a 120+iq.
assuming the recognized scale is accurate, its millions of people, the general trend cant be wrong.

IQ and money max out around after 135 and then further increases in IQ just make socially maladjusted and unable to communicate with plebs

My iq is only 115 and I have trouble communicating with normies. Autism has nothing to do with iq mate.

>tfw stumbled upon antshares early during one of my futa furry fap sessions by accidentally clicking a biz banner ad
>tfw genius

How is this right?
I make 47/hr and am sperg

>further increases in IQ just make socially maladjusted and unable to communicate with plebs
i think in the right environment, like being born into wealth and going to a better school where the potential to be smart is something they look out for, its possible they could be turned into normal, functioning and successful people.
i grew up in a white slum where i was considered an outcast for being hesitant to get into losing fights, i was raised by people who thought i was mental for wanting to build things with lego and pick computers apart rather than throw rocks at passing trains.
i wasnt even the smartest kid in the shithole, there was another guy who was unironically a maths genius at the age of 12-13 who was being headhunted by colleges based on some early test results. last i heard of him, he was in rehab waiting to die, needing regular blood transfusions to stay alive because the vast amount of heroin he took, that over the years destroyed his bodies ability to clean itself.

You got this from the Ryan Faulk video? I saw that too this morning. Bretty good.

incidentally ive built a meme life for myself as a total hermit who thinks about offing himself daily and im not even in the real high iq club of 145-150+.
i live in a shithole rented apartment thats in a quiet part of town, i only have a bed, a pc, a shower and an oven. i dont work as i have some low level passive income and have had some success trading, i live hundreds of miles away from anyone who could possibly know me, i havent been in a relationship since i was a teenager, i havent had a friend in years, i barely leave the building unless the weather is especially good and i go for a walk alone.
isolating myself has been entirely by design, the goal 2 years ago was to put myself back to 0 in every aspect of life and to start again, to give me the "space" i need to fix mental problems or whatever, yet here i am still sleeping 16 hours a day and eating tuna from a fucking can.
then i go on youtube and see some video saying that 'x should be earning y' and the reality of what a fuckup in life i am comes back at me like a fucking tsunami.

yeah i did, hes done a ton of race and iq videos in the past, as he admitted himself in this latest one its all pretty established by this point

142 iq here. Man, if you wanna change what happens to your life, you gotta like, actually change your life bro. Nothing is ever guaranteed, but you can greatly increase the odds of something you want happening by just taking certain kinds of actions.

You wanna meet a chick at a bar? You ain't gonna find her here, you gotta goto a bar. Those kinda actions increase the probability of finding chicks at a bar.

>chad makes girls wet and makes more money than you
>brad is higher iq than you and has a college education income,
>also gets laid too

When we can go back to discussing money and money making? it's all so tiresome, fuck you Jow Forums shitters, your self steem isn't about mnoey at all, your just fucked up in the head

>Giving a fuck about things you cannot control

Why? Just work as hard as you can and do the best you can, there's people with extremely high IQs that waste it being NEETs and just circlejerking with other geniuses all day, and brainlets who are successful and live fulfilling lives. This is retarded.

Earning shekels to buy products and enrich jews? Be given a fraction of the value you produce?

oh i know, im just being a faggot, have been for years

Get a job and find a wife.

Stop being a faggot.

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Christopher Langan is gifted with the highest recorded IQ on Earth. The man isn't rich or successful because his job was being a bouncer. See where I'm going with this?

>you can't earn money from anything other than your job
Aren't you on an investment board?

>Ppl Soft D
godtier ID witnessed

Born in the third world, I know Im average IQ and I actually feel dumb but people here in the third world are subhumans its literally imposible to make it at school or normal jobs

id marry but finding a job?
maybe in the short term to acquire capital, financially i feel like a lack of real money is all thats holding me back, finding said money is what we're all trying to do.

I don't know my IQ but I'm probably above average, my brain is quick when it comes to learning and solving things, but I'm socially retarded and I think social skills are the most important thing to have. I just can't be bothered though.

Delete this.

160 IQ and I make 10K a year

It's suggest to me that just using this board means you have a higher than average iq. (Life is crazy isn't it?

You're just looking at the chart wrong. Find your income and that is your IQ score.

>inherit a ton of money
>suddenly my IQ is 1000

I’m 30 years old, make about 70k base, 10-20k extra from bonuses and OT pay. Am I going to make it?

So... My IQ is 200?

Is this chart for 18 year olds? I make 88k and my net worth is 170k. I live in Massachusetts. I'm 30. My life is not impressive.

Just go to university, get a good education, work on that handshake, find a job that pays well and work hard.
It really is as simple as that.

HAHA holy shit I must be a fucking retard then, no wonder girls don't like me. I mean I guess it's not really a surprise. t. 28 make about $22k/year

just do what I did: programming

if you are smart you can learn it 10 times faster than a normie (not even exaggerating) - my life is still pretty shit but at least the money problem is solved (live in nice apartment, work remotely, employer bends over backwards to keep me around, lots of room for upwards career growth). Still pretty spergy though, also kinda blame my parents for just parking me in front of my pc and not interacting with me after I turned 12

That was funny

this goes to show that not IQ but habits are what gets you the dough.

unironically stop being a faggot, user. get some sunlight. the only won who can change you is you. take control.

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>I just can't be bothered though.
Lol no dude there is no such thing as laziness or motivation. The ability to actually do something is 90% intelligence.

heroin dealers deserve the death penalty

cause you know to much but you to retarded to use t for something

fuck your IQ
you know what they say- you can be dumb but you need to know how to help yourself

if you want to get rich figure out a way to get rich, every idiot makes money online these days

invest in bitconenct2.0 for example they are coming back to lol

the correlation is pretty weak though, intelligence is the best single trait but as a percentage of all traits its still

IQ and success is like height and basketball.
Once you're tall enough to be competitive its about training and execution.

110 IQ points is more than enough to succeed.

I once read that only around 33% of the people with a IQ of 100 successfully complete university, whereas 59% of the people with an IQ of 130+ successfully complete universities. So it does make sense indeed.

What makes you money is a firm handshake and a go-getter attitude.

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