The only reason men want to be rich is to be in the company of hot women

the only reason men want to be rich is to be in the company of hot women

the only reason women want money is to be super comfy and wear cool shit

i see this shit affirming itself every day

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no shit

>the only reason men want to be rich is to be in the company of hot women
Fuck women. I want nice guitars, and cool cars, and shiny metals, and a nice house. You don't need money to be in the company of hot women.

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I would rather be rich without hot women than poor and wagecucking with hot women.

>the only reason men want to be rich is to be in the company of hot women

jokes on you I want to be rich and I'm gay

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no thats not true

i want to be rich to help fund the white ethnostate and wage war against jewry (after using it to my own advantage)

I don't give a fuck about women anymore. I want to get rich so I can start collecting cars.

If you think men want money only because of hot women then you’re a guaranteed beta virgin

not if they are super hot, the kind with extremely toned legs and healthy beautiful hair, and maybe just maybe a few ...tattoos?

based and redpilled


lower maintenance than collecting wimmins, for sure

I have asked before, what is the gay version of making it? I am considering becoming gay if it has a better ROI.

Im not gay but I believe the gay version is just the women version.
>be super comfy and wear cool shit

I just wanna buy pic related.
>hundred an hour

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Its primarily for their children, but yes the social status signals are big too.

>Discounts entire history of powerful gay men

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Get a fishing rod and rent a boat. You'll catch all the sea donkeys you want for a lot less than a hundred an hour.

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Check out Aristides guitars.. Best in the world imo.

> He spends money on women

No they're not lol

I like WOOD guitars, not plastic or whatever the fuck sci-fi looking overpriced garbage

this, never understood why sane men will spend on some3rd rated slut

>the only reason men want to be rich is to be in the company of hot women
I'd usually reply with "yeah nice one OP did you just turn 18?" but considering the sheer amount of deluded retards who cannot comprehend this and will never admit that their sole reason of wanting to be rich is because they're not getting the sex they want to get, I'd rather congratulate you in being one of the rare cases who can pierce through his delusions and realize that his entire existence has been literally all about satisfaction of basic instincts

In fact several billionaires have actually admitted to being rich solely because of no sex, like one of the rockefellers if I'm not wrong, and even the Theranos girl recently as well. People really like to delude themselves that they're working for a higher purpose, but the reality is that all of it boils down to sex. Even the monk who LARPs as being this enlightened higher being who is free of this way of thinking is also a victim of this, as he's doing it for the approval of society, and that on itself is a reproductive strategy where you build up a reputation within the tribe so females have a preference for you. As a human being this is your limiting factor and there's nothing you can do to run away from it and your life will always be dedicated towards what your genes evolved to do - survival and sex. All you can do is mask it behind a delusional purpose and pretend you're not a primate.

LMAO why are you projecting so hard?
Orgasm just isn't worth all the time and money if you are trying to get it from women.

the only reason anyone wants money is so they dont have to worry about money. if they still worry about money then they have failed.

>the only reason men want to be rich is to be in the company of hot women

Some men want the power and influence that comes with wealth.

Other men just dont want to wagecuck for their entire life.

i like how your talking out of your ass. i thought you were gonna be deep but it really wasnt. nice one tho.

>the only reason men want to be rich is to be in the company of hot women
Only peasant minded men give a shit about that. Money brings the ability for anyone to focus their lives on reaching their absolute best potential of whatever area you were gifted in. Me? I would learn to draw and have fun with wherever it goes.

oops I triggered the coping incels whose whole purpose in getting rich was to afford expensive cars so females like them better
have sex lmao

>t. uninspired philistine

Not even cars are worth my money as they instantly dump 50% after investment
But they are more useful and cost effective than women indeed

Not really. You just have to buy young timers or generally collectible cars.

there are so many hot chicks right now, each with their own voluptuous sex rhythms and personality quirks, each with different scented hair and complimentary clothing, each with a different laugh and ambition to make your heart race... so many your eyes can never see each one....but to sleep with even a small handful, before it's too late, to me there is no higher calling

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BHAHAHA got em.
I threw up a little seeing that mug.

i dont want to be around the company of beta apes. I want to become an immortal cyborg

You only want to become an immortal cyborg to have more sex, virgin.

Sounds like you are suffered from sex addiction and need professional help

Based boomer

My god man. How old are You?

Friggin based

I have more money than I know by what to do with now and women don't care because I don't tell people I have it. I drive a used toyota I bought for $5k and wear normal clothes. If you go around flaunting your money, all you'll get is a swarm of vampires and gold diggers trying to bleed you dry.

Im more idealist than anything... I just want money to stop wagecucking

yeah this

wouldn't mind the hot wammens if they came as a side effect though

What I want money for is to sit in my rocking chair on my porch and never work a day in my god damn life again. You fucking zoomer.

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