why is every other post calling someone a "pajeet" or other racial slurs towards indians ?
what have the indians done / doing ?
why is every other post calling someone a "pajeet" or other racial slurs towards indians ?
what have the indians done / doing ?
Dragqueen sundays. Looks like a fun event to participate in
can you imagen the voices ?
>what have the indians done?
be subhuman pajeets and exist
so we just hate indiand because they are indian ? no other reason ?
They sure know how to polish a knob. Feels comfy.
Imagine the stench
Pretty much. We also hate niggers and jews.
Indians will join the world economy via UND.
You’re a fucking pajeet aren’t you ranjeesh
naa dude. im im just a confused aussie.
Because they’re hapless and creepy with women and they’re from a 3rd world literal shithole. There are actually some Indians I quite like, as well a some aspects of their art and culture. But as far as crypto and business goes, they’re totally corrupt and not trustworthy.
fair fair
>what have the indians done / doing ?
You're opening a real can of worms there OP...
they shit in the streets just like niggers
>what have the indians done / doing ?
Racists have infested this board.
Its disgusting but some of the users here have good info so I endure.
>crypto is full of literal scammers
>scammers are stereotypically indian
>pajeet is a typical indian name
That's it, pajeet.
thats how i feel and this is why i ask
a lot of anons are young, immature, sub $500 account holders who think slinging racist remarks makes them sound edgy. it's like that kid in 4th grade who swears like a sailor because he thinks it makes him sound tough/cool, but most of the class wants nothing to do with him. biz is full of social outcasts, and they get so jaded that they start emulating then misanthropic habits of others (incels, racists, etc) because they don't know how to act or be kind.
inb4 kys
cope pajeet
Pajeet is the best slur. Simple as that manvinder.
Well the gold old days of biz is gone.
Now it's full of crypto ponzi for the newfag
RIP Jow Forums
Im a pajeet living in the West, rich and dating a white girl, breeding with her soon
Only poor pajeets and mad incel white boys get mad over racial stuff
my networth is nearly 1MM usd. I hate pajeets so much you have no idea. It's my goal to make sure they never get any jobs or work in the industry I am in. If a customer comes in and is indian i'll ask to come meet his team and his boss. I'll pull the boss aside an explain what a fucking retard pajeet is and his destroying their reputation and we really like working with their company but won't continue is pajeet is working.
Good for you. But you’re probably going to have to all go back to India soon.
they're the only subhumans who actually do the bounty programs on Bitcointalk and other websites
then they come here and start spamming the board with shit
>racial slur
race doesn't exist, you're thinking of haplogroups
either way it's not any more offensive than calling germans Hans or slavs Ivan