
Don't you see it yet?

Attached: aa.jpg (877x475, 34K)

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yea, crypto is cool

resrver current price = 0.0002 cent
reserve true price = 1 dollar stablecoin
easy money


If this is legit I’m an going balls deep.

Chainlink will partner with other projects the way google partners with every website

Read reserve white paper


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RSR was the missing piece of the puzzle for LINK DOMINATION

What is RSR?

It's the stinging sensation in the tip of your penis when you urinate after an orgasm.

At last I truly see

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Or is this just nonsense shilling

Attached: ch.png (709x179, 72K)

So Chainlink/Reserve gonna partner up?

Can anyone tell me how to buy rsr? It’s on huobi and being from America I can’t trade. Any tips? I tried dot vpn on the phone but that isn’t working.

Btw, nice digits of freedom.

Imagine not buying RSR @ 30 fking satoshis.

IDEX, dickface

Attached: chainlink reserve.png (917x327, 91K)

Literally who?

Why is everyone talking about Reserve? Pump coming?

Already started on Huobi. Given it has a cap of about 10M, and INSANE backers I expect it to go x20 by September

I have read the white paper yet. Is it supposed to be pegged to $1 or to a basket of currencies? What does this mean for price. E.g. what are current price predictions once it gains adoption? Thanks

0.0023 USD to 1 USD within 6 months

how many people are going to get burned buying shitcoins just because they partnered with chainlink?

Reserve is legit

Chainlink is blubber, Reserve is Coinbase

Its all over 4 chan, what's the big announcement

Attached: R-LINK.png (1002x1002, 239K)

Chainlink partnering with its own stablecoin. Sergey is a genious

RSR marketcap is 15M. MakerDAO is 700M. Do the math, retard.

bag holder here, what’s going on eh? pls gib spoonfeed

several new partnerships+app release any second now

Just pumped. pre-ann pumping happening?

source? exciting if true

insider pump now

Attached: DhTT7xXUwAAofId.jpg (645x729, 34K)

God bless please let me break even


comfy AF

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Partnership with harmony has been announced in a recent ama with both teams and their app has been described as "essentially ready" three days ago
Today an admim let slip that there will be huge news.

You can find all the announcements in their tg

thanks user god bless

Jow Forums is the best, bought 15min ago


THANK GOD!!!!!!!!!!
I needed this pump so badly. Please link go to $3 before the end of june and end my suffering.

Its really happening we all gonna make it rsr and link chads

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