Hear me and rejoice!

You have had the great privilege of being saved by the great Fantom. You may think this is shitcoin....no! It is salvation. The universal scales...tip toward pumping because of your sacrifice. Smile...for even in the bear, you have become children of Fantom!

Witness the next Antshares, the next Tron, the next EOS, the next IOTA.

Attached: FTM-chosen.jpg (562x352, 53K)

FTM is a decent project but god these shill posts are fucking cringe, fuck off discord trannie

u mad bro?

You talk too much

What the fuck kind of high school response is this? And how fucking miserable do you have to be that your job is to spam this sad little corner of the internet for minimum wage?

You guys were screaming its a shit coin for pajeets. Now its on binance and clearly a fast growth.

I literally just fucking said "FTM is a decent project" you blind mongoloid, what the """You guys blablabla" are you going on about? God if the fundamentals weren't as good I'd market dump my milli stack just from the shear retardness of the discord trannies FTM paid to shill.

Half the board is filled with "$1000 EOY posts" and wojak memes. There is barely anything but spam on biz. You are just being salty because.

>but spam on biz
When this spam has been going on for weeks on end it gets reaaaaaaaal old reaaaaaaaal fast. Also,
>If its bad, then its fine if I make it worse
Beyond braindead. You don't know how lucky you got when your boss secured a shilling contract with FTM.

I have a small stack but is it still worth to buy more FTM?

Attached: 3F5687A3-C4F6-4843-96E0-DC0DED12D782.png (659x525, 205K)

not at these prices wait 2 weeks

stay poor, bump.

a boy must shill his own bags. he doesn't need to be paid.

its been going for so many weeks because FTM went 4x....then dropped back to 100sats and went 4x again,. Something is special about it. Maybe people are excited and talking about it?

Attached: AC.jpg (249x250, 22K)


You don't think that people thinking they are holding the next antshares or 1000x will get them shilling for free or just talk about the project everyday?

where buy?

Sell Fantom after it passes ethereum.

Ill be realistic and sell at 10 cents. Save a moon bag for $1.

Can you read, I hold ONE MILLION of this, I'm not getting poor any time soon.
Yea right, I know you're getting paid to shill this. It's fine to admit it.

Bought 12500FTM at 0.00000416 today, and its turned out to be the highest price of this... what should I do? You guys think it's gonna pump?

Just hold It and dump after the trading begins tomorrow
Buy the dip ofc, this a solid project

>being this mad that you missed out that you resort to r/the_donald insults
Election refugees are dumb money anyway

FTM stands for Buy The Dips