32 ETH
1.5 BTC
150,000 ONE
3,500 LINK
300 QNT
We will make it.
I just crossed the 32 ETH barrier two months ago. Been putting a couple hundred into it when I get the paychecks.
eth stakers will be the new nobility in the future economy
Who the fuck knows. It might just be our generations 401k
I need their brappers in my face NOW
FTM looking nice today
>tfw ppl learn staking eth will not be a one click smart contract with no risks involved
>Join staking pool, pool messes up, lose your eth stack.
Not for the initial proof of stake implementation, no. But later it will be as easy as pressing a button in the GUI client. Technology, no matter how complex at first always drips down to indulge the most common denominator (the normie GUI user)
just bought 120k ftm bc of fomo. how high will it pump tomorrow?
Poorfag here.
>ETH post ICO era
dumbfuck tier portfolio
kek wait for people to realize who is working at consensys, ETH is a total shitshow everyone knows it
i don't really know desu. some said it could list on the CEX for $0.10 but i wouldn't bet on that, i mean there was heavy accumulation on Kucoin for months. Maybe we pump, maybe we dump. i might DCA into a dump, but the current price isn't really of concern to me because i HODL. My long-term target is $1+
turbo-comfy with my HOT bag
175k chainlink
thats a lot of link kek
holy fucking shit
>$17k in USDC waiting to buy into Bitcoin
>5/10 gf
My stack is looking alright rn
fkn degenerate desu
Never making it
boomer stocks???
I'm not a smart man. I waited until 30 to invest.
$1500 USD, 656 ZRX
same user, we smart
15 ETH
860000 RSR
at least one of those alt bags is gonna moon hard, high risk high reward, congrats. i have almost the same folio, just the poorfag version with a bit more ETH and RSR (fml)
who is this beautiful woman?
soon my fren, soon
0.00000001 BTC
21.36 BSV
32.05 ETH
37 230 LINK
The hedgefolio
Nice gap OP
How about mine
100,000 NKN
10,000 LINK
64 XMR
10 ETH
will i make it guise?
>10,000 LINK
>0.24 LP
Will I make it?
Solid AF. Maybe Link vs FTM...
thanks bro i kinda missed FTM hope it dumps to 2 pennies
Wat? Ethereum devs aren't going to implement slashing staking model like ATOM did, are they?
Weak willed pathetic men in this thread with their weak shilled pathetic imaginary coins.
2.16 BTC
34 XMR
moon pump