LINK = $100 EOY
RSR = $10 EOY
Kek wills it.
LINK = $100 EOY
RSR = $10 EOY
Kek wills it.
LINK = $0.20
I don't need a script to summon Kek.
Nice dubs
checked and kekked
We knew those 7s would come. Checked OP
Not gonna make it
check’d, kek’d, and just bought 100k
its fucking happening RSR is pumping
No one is wiser than Kek, if it wills it it shall come to pass
RSR is a stable coin though.
LINK .08-1.20
LINK is going to blow away our expectations and unironically start the next bull run
link 8 burgerbucks eoy
rsr 0.003 burgerbucks eoy
why would the value of a stablecoin rise? how does that not defeat the purpose? am i missing something or just a brain
It's not a stable coin. RSV is the stable coin. Think of RSR as the right to burn/mint new RSV
RSR is volatile. They have a different token for their stablecoin.
we make it
Checked and truth-pilled
rsr can never be more than a dollar dumbfuck.
Hopefully you're right though cause I got a decent bag
>tfw holding 250 million RSR(will be 300 million by July)
Feels good, I tried to warn Jow Forums and you all laughed at me
Checked, it is known
Totally false, educate yourself on the project pleb.
RSR is 1USD max
Nope, that's RSV you brainlet
Someone explain how RSRs protocol is different than JNT. I’ve already been burned on shit like this before
100 billion RSR currency coins in circulation but who owns them? How were they distributed?
god youre a fucking idiot
RSV is the stablecoin dumbshit
youre literally a retard pajeet too.
RSR can be anything it wants
RSV is the stablecoin with $1.00 USD peg
it's exactly the same, I was tempted to buy the ICo for that reason
hopefully they succeed where Jibrel failed and actually stick to their original vision and don't add a fuckton of useless shit and abandon they original vision