I made it

just cashed out, i'm a fucking millionaire
i made it

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Pics or didn’t happen

show us. dont be a pajeet

i hope you actually made it user

Dont forget to pay your tribute to israel.

Show us m8 or you're larping

It's larping for sure
Nobody cash out 1 million at once unless you want to get ass fucked by IRS

making it is 2 million+

this is crypto dude. people who aren't used to money have had the opportunity to make lots of it off of very little. some dude reaching his moon and getting the fuck out is pretty believable to me.


You will lose your fortune very quickly with that kind of mind set
Every cent matters

How much did you pay for the sweet sweet cash?

nice user congrats

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At least someone of us made it.

congratulations, user. you deserve it.

Attached: ioyk.png (1293x1293, 1.61M)

gg user

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timing is weird. I mean 3 weeks ago you shouldve had way more money. Still happy for you man. Get a rental property or 2 and start making some passive income

>just cashed out

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>He cashed out and the first thing he does is post on Jow Forums
Sounds about right it's what I would do. Can't tell friends or family about it

I would too, who is most likely to beg for money directly? Internet strangers or people who directly know you?

> everyone lives in the shitty US of A

Absolutely clueless

But you know that there are only 250million US peeps of 8000million peeps, right?

The IRS is not everywhere, outside the US a lot of gov already reduced taxes or removed it completely